Why Integrate Technology into the Classroom? Using Concept Attainment Theory Michael Mary Vickie Patricia
Phobias about technology Programs are too complex Takes too much time to integrate Need to have high tech hardware Resistant to change
Calming Fears Baby steps Find a tech buddy Discover tech tools at your site Use simple strategies
What kind of tools can I use?
WHY? Positives Negatives Exciting Dull Interesting Boring EngagingDreary Thought-provoking Mind Numbing Inspiring Monotonous
Why? Click on movie to play
Do You Get It? POSITIVES Enjoyable Absorbing Achievable Portable Organization NEGATIVES Stultifying Tedious Cumbersome Static Slow
This is Why Click on movie to play
Now You Try PositiveNegative
Ideas for technology integration HANDOUTS * Instead of traditional hard copy, create electronic presentations * Students see information using vibrant colors and basic animation LECTURES * Present information in video format. * Film yourself or a student * Add interesting music and transitions
Technology Stimulates Learning Intuitively, we know that it is more fun to learn using the tools of technology but does it really increase student learning and student achievement? According to the WEB project, the answer is yes, it does. Their results indicate that student use of technology as a learning tool might form connections such as outlined in Sternberg’s Developing Expertise Model.
Developing Expertise Model (1998) According to Steinburg:Steinburg Motivation drives metacognition, which in turn, stimulates the development of thinking and learning skills. Thinking and learning skill development further stimulates metacognition, resulting in the development of expertise.
Links Assessing the impact of instructional technology on student achievement t/A3297.cfm t/A3297.cfm The relationship between instructional technology and student achievement: A new model aera2.htm aera2.htm
References Greenwood, S. (2002, May 1). Making words matter: Vocabulary study in the content areas. The Clearing House, , Volume 75, Issue 5. Retrieved September 8, 2004 from FACTIVA. MacBride, R. (2004, January 1). If You Structure It, They Will Learn…Critical Thinking in Physical Education Classes. The Clearing House, 114, Volume 77; Issue 3. Retrieved September 3, 2004 from FACTIVA.
More References Mintzberg, H. and Lampel, J. (1999, April 1). Reflecting on the strategy process. Sloan Management Review, 21, Volume 40, Issue 3. Retrieved September 8, 2004 from FACTIVA. Wehmeyer, M., Palmer S., Agran, M., Mithaug, D. and Martin, J. (2000, July 1). Promoting causal agency: The self- determined learning model of instruction. Exceptional Child, Volume 66 Issue 4. Retreived September 4, 2004 from FACTIVA.
Evaluation of Presentation Group 2: Presentation length: Right on time. Engaged audience, could have used a little more enthusiasm. Content: Abstract at first and then later related to Concept attainment. Tool Use: Use of graphics along with drop in made the presentation very effective and interesting. Speaking Skills: Clear and articulate, confident with material. Well rehearsed. Group 3: Good lesson for teachers not familiar/comfortable with tech. Slides could use more consistency (fonts, alignment, etc.) Excellent use of humor High quality examples (video!) Rubric score: Attention to audience - 3 Presentation length - 4 Content - 2 Tool Use - 4 Speaking skills – 3
Evaluation Continued Group 4: Kudos for going first Video clips added a lot to the presentation. Great visual presentation We would have liked to have the opportunity to form our own hypothesis. Group 5: Didn’t grab our attention at first. Need to do something to pull us in. Seemed somewhat unsure about direction. Concept: Needed to have faith in their attempt and follow through with it. We think we would have gotten it instead of the being told the conclusion. It seemed a little confused articulated clearly. Positives: Made it an in-service. They did keep their locus of control. Had good research. Videos nice touch. When they put us in groups, very engaging
Faculty Evaluation Positive ways to address challenges for integration provided. Positive and negative examplars for using or not using technology given. Good use of humor. Nice wrap to bring it all together. Staff development is definitely about "being on the spot." Could have provided citations and references in a handout so that others could view them later. Finished on time.
End of Concept Attainment Lesson