Your opportunity to make your opinions heard A University-wide initiative for all non-final year undergraduate students Fully supported by Northampton Students’ Union Last year, almost 3500 non-final year undergraduate students across The University of Northampton had their say… …and were heard!
Teaching quality Assessment and feedback Academic support Organisation and management Learning resources Personal development Your overall satisfaction The survey asks for your opinions relating to the following aspects of your university experience:
Eligible students will receive an invite during January to complete the survey online Non-respondents to the online survey will be contacted by post or telephone to ensure that as many students as possible have a chance to take part You can also go directly to to complete the survey It takes no more than 5 minutes to fill in!
The results are used by the University to improve the service to all our students The actions from the survey outcomes of previous years are published at All responses to the survey are completely anonymous
School of Science and Technology How have things improved? As a result of what you have told us, we have… Taken part in a national project to trial and evaluate recorded verbal feedback on assignments in response to students reporting that they would like feedback to be more focussed on helping them improve their performance Provided “Open Days” where students are able to undertake guided tours of the Newton Building and to see the new facilities in action, in order to support students during the move to the new home of Science and Technology Altered final year assessments to allow students greater scope to reflect upon their employability and career aspirations
School of Science and Technology How have things improved? We have also… Invested over £500,000 of external funding in upgrading and renewing tannery equipment facilities following students comments that tannery resources were out- dated, as well as refurbishing the teaching facilities in the BSLT building Worked with the University’s Office of Learning and Teaching to customise PDP resources so that they are aligned with professional body requirements Developed programmes of external speakers from industry in order to promote employability-awareness