ACTAR Meeting Liverpool December 10th, 2008 ❍ 9:30 Introduction Patricia ❍ 10:00 SimulationsHector Coffee break ❍ 11:15 Tests with MICROMEGASRiccardo ❍ 11:50 Tracking algorithmsHervé Lunch ❍ 13:30 ElectronicsLolly ❍ 15:30 Discussion
Just to remind you…
+ Task 4 Deliverables…
Technical reports Task 1 Yellow Book (Bertram et al.) Report-D-J part1 Simulations (to be finalized by Hector with inputs from Elise and Pang) Task 2 Report on the range and stopping power measurements of ions in gases (Fanny Rejmund, Gopal Mukherjee and Laurent Gaudefroy + many others) Report-D-J part1 Status of TPC tests (J. Huikari, BB) Report-D-J part2.1 Tests with Micromegas (Riccardo, Hervé, Julien Gibelin, Pang) Report-D-J part2.2 Study of possible magnetic configurations (Wolfi) Report-D-J part3 Task 3 Electronics and Data acquisition system (E. Pollacco based on ANR doc) Report-D-J Task 4 Tracking algorithms (Hervé and Thomas Roger) Report-D-J01-4.1
How do we continue??? France (+MSU) : ANR application for electronics. Result in March May also involve RIKEN (SAMURAI TPC) MoU under preparation between CENBG, IRFU Saclay, GANIL, MSU (maybe RIKEN) dedicated to R&D for electronics and data acquisition. SPIRAL2 LoI: Direct and resonant resonant reactions with active target MoU to be written between participating groups. ……..
MAYA2 Work plan on MAYA device for next year at GANIL - new cathode, same geometry - upgrade of electronics: new GASSIPLEX cards, new distribution module for Track&Hold signals -modification of preamplifier boards for wires -modification of vessel to insert alpha source inside MAYA without opening -new gas mixture system Tests with He gas with alpha source and auxiliary beam Campaign of experiments Fall 2009 (or Spring 2010). -GMR in 68 Ni (E. Khan, J. Gibelin et al.) -ISGDR in 56 Ni (LoI M. Harakeh et al.) -resonant elastic scattering (Lola and A. Gillibert) -…..
MAYAITO for ACTAR Tests with GEMS and MICROMEGAS as amplification systems alpha source SME beams? Electronics for ACTAR Lolly will explain next steps: ASIC submission mid 2009 Construction of prototype boards, electromechanics,etc…. Also mechanics, ancillary detectors….