Mathematics in the Real World By: Amanda Sevigny and Kristin Klein
Calendar To be able to read a calendar you need to know: numbers, days, months, years, and the number system the calendar is based on.
Alarm Clock To be able to use a clock a person needs to understand the following math concepts: seconds, minutes, hours and counting.
Grocery Store Flyer To be able to read a store flyer you must know: numbers, counting, money and percentages.
Money In order to be able to use money correctly you must know the math concepts of: counting, what the currency is worth, fractions and decimal places.
Recipe In order to read a recipe you must know: fractions, measurement, numbers, ratios, time and temperature.
Speed Limit Sign To know what this sign means you need to know: numbers, shapes, ratio (mph), and the concept of speed.
Thermometer To be able to read a thermometer you need to know: numbers, Fahrenheit and/or Celsius, and how to read a graph.
Gas Pump To use a gas pump correctly you need to be able to use ratios (dollars/gallon), numbers and multiplication.
Mystery Picture In order to use this you must know numbers, ratios and the concept of volume. Hint: You may use this at a party or a gift shop.