Dr. Daniel Huppert School of Marine Affairs, UW Coastal Impacts: Overview, Shellfish Aquaculture, Aquifers, and Ports
Organization of Talk Overview of SLR, Temperature Increase and Ocean Acidification Impacts on Shellfish Aquaculture Saltwater intrusion in aquifers Impacts on Ports A. Moore follows with beach and bluffs and research needs
Projected SLR - Mote, et al. 2008
Mote, et al. Cautions We stress that (1) these calculations have not formally quantified the probabilities, (2) SLR cannot be estimated accurately at specific locations, and (3) these numbers are for advisory purposes and are not actual predictions.
Acidification 30% of recent CO 2 emissions absorbed in the ocean. Projected to increase to 90% ultimately. CO 2 lowers system pH and saturation of carbonate minerals that form skeletal structures in marine organisms. Coral, molluscs may be impacted. Kleypas, J.A., R.A. Feely, V.J. Fabry, C. Langdon, C.L. Sabine, and L.L. Robbins, Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs and Other Marine Calcifiers: A Guide for Future Research, report of a workshop held 18–20 April 2005, St. Petersburg, FL, sponsored by NSF, NOAA, and the U.S. Geological Survey, 88 pp.
Temperature & HABs A positive relationship between harmful algae blooms and sea surface temperature (Moore et al.) HABs cause paralytic and amnesiac shellfish poisoning (PSP and ASP). During HAB outbreaks recreational and commercial harvests are halted.
Adaptations Accommodate - Modify operations or usage of shore to avoid impacts of SLR, temperature, accidification, etc. Protect - Build structures to protect current usage (e.g. sea walls, dikes) Retreat - Move upland or shift basic activities to avoid impacts.
Shellfish Aquaculture Shellfish is ~$76 mil. industry in WA Reduced harvest seasons due to HABs a concern Possible deleterious effects of acidification on larval shellfish growth and survival a concern. Need more research to verify these.
Adaptations by Aquaculture Breed strains of oysters, clams, etc. that are resistant to temperature and acidity changes Move to more floating cages and pens for shellfish rearing? Move inter-tidal lease boundaries upland as sea rises?
Saltwater Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers
Nature of the Problem Current Saltwater intrusion problems on Whidbey Is due to excessive pumping. But SLR will raise the zone of transition too.
SLR Threat to Water Supply from Aquifers Freshwater supply not reduced Zone of transition will rise 6” - 50” in Puget sound region over 90 years. For most aquifers above, say, 20’ above SL, this will be tolerable Low elevation wells may need to be moved upland
Adaptation - Coastal Wells Draw water closer to land surface? Treat water to reduce salt concentration? Abandon nearshore wells and deliver water from higher elevation wells.
Impacts on Ports Shoreline facilities susceptible to innundation with SLR. Both Tacoma and Seattle ports have some plans to raise docks & piers Broader problem is flooding of neighboring lands and transportation routes - highways and rail lines. Solutions require broad planning
Adaptation - Ports Protect shore facilities and transportation network from SLR. (E.g. rail lines at base of coastal bluffs) Protect from increased flood risks in estuaries with raised dikes. These require State, Federal, and local participation in plans.