Facilities for x86 debugging Introduction to Pentium features that can assist programmers in their debugging of software.


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Presentation transcript:

Facilities for x86 debugging Introduction to Pentium features that can assist programmers in their debugging of software

TF-bit in EFLAGS Our ‘trydebug.s’ demo showed how to use the TF-bit to perform ‘single-stepping’ of a Linux application program (e.g., ‘hello’) The ‘popfd’ instruction was used to set TF But single-stepping starts only AFTER the immediately following instruction executes An exception-handler for INT-1 can display information about the state of the task

Using ‘objdump’ output You can generate an assembler ‘listing’ of the instructions in our ‘hello’ application You can then use the listing to follow along with the ‘single-stepping’ through that code Here’s how to do it: $ objdump –d hello > hello.u (The ‘-d’ option stands for ‘disassembly’)

A slight ‘flaw’ We cannot single-step the execution of an ‘int-0x80’ instruction (Linux’s system-calls) Our exception-handler’s ‘iretd’ instruction will restore the TF-bit to EFLAGS, but the single-step ‘trap’ doesn’t take effect until after the immediately following instruction This means we ‘skip’ seeing a display of the registers immediately after ‘int-0x80’

Fixing the ‘flaw’ The Pentium offers a way to overcome the problem of a delayed effect when TF is set We can use the Debug Registers to set an instruction ‘breakpoint’ which will interrupt the CPU at a specific instruction-address There are six Debug Registers: DR0, DR1, DR2, DR3(breakpoints) DR6 (the Debug Status register) DR7*the Debug Control register)

Breakpoint Address Registers DR0 DR1 DR2 DR3

Special ‘MOV’ instructions Use ‘mov DRn, genreg’ to write into DRn Use ‘mov genreg, DRn’ to read from DRn These instructions are ‘privileged’ (i.e., can only be executed by code running in ring0)

Debug Control Register (DR7) 00 GDGD 001 GEGE LELE G3G3 L3L3 G2G2 L2L2 G1G1 L1L1 G0G0 L0L0 LEN 3 R/W 3 LEN 2 R/W 2 LEN 1 R/W 1 LEN 0 R/W Least significant word Most significant word

What kinds of breakpoints? LENR/W LEN 00 = one byte 01 = two bytes 10 = undefined 11 = four bytes R/W 00 = break on instruction fetch only 01 = break on data writes only 10 = undefined (unless DE set in CR4) 11 = break on data reads or writes (but not on instruction fetches)

Control Register 4 The Pentium uses Control Register 4 to activate certain extended features of the processor, while still allowing for backward compatibility of software written for earlier Intel x86 processors An example: Debug Extensions (DE-bit) other feature bits CR4 DEDE

Debug Status Register (DR6) BDBD B3B3 B2B2 B1B1 unused ( all bits here are set to 1 ) Least significant word Most significant word BSBS B T 1 B0B0

Where to set a breakpoint Suppose you want to trigger a ‘debug’ fault at the instruction immediately following the software Linux ‘int-0x80’ system-call Your debug exception-handler can use the saved CS:EIP values on its stack to check that ‘int-0x80’ has caused an exception Machine-code is: 0xCD, 0x80 (2 bytes) So set a ‘breakpoint’ at address EIP+2

How to set this breakpoint isrDBG:push ebp mov ebp, esp pushad ; put breakpoint-address in DR0 mov eax, 4[ebp] add eax, #2 mov dr0, eax

Setting a breakpoint (continued) ; enable local breakpoint for DR0 mov eax, DR7 bts eax, #0; set LE0 mov DR7, eax … popad pop ebp iretd

Detecting a ‘breakpoint’ Your debug exception-handler reads DR6 to check for occurrences of breakpoints mov eax, DR6; get debug status bt eax, #0; breakpoint #0? jnc notBP0; no, another cause bts 12[ebp], #16 ; set the RF-bit ; or disable breakpoint0 in register DR7 notBP0:

In-Class Exercise #1 Modify the debug exception-handler in our ‘trydebug.s’ demo-program (on website) so that it will ‘single-step’ past ‘int-0x80’ But don’t forget to disable any breakpoints that might still be in effect when you enter the ‘do_exit’ procedure (to terminate your ‘hello’ application), by writing a zero value into the Debug Control Register DR7

In-class exercise #2 After you have completed exercise #1, you can try this further exercise: use a different Debug Register (i.e.,, DR1, DR2, or DR3) to set an instruction-breakpoint at the entry to your ‘int-0x80’ service-routine This will allow you to do single-stepping of your system-call handlers (e.g., ‘do_write’) (A problem arises with ‘do_read’ though)