California Digital Library eScholarship Update Catherine H.Candee Director, Publishing and Strategic Initiatives Office of Scholarly Communication University of California Catherine H.Candee Director, Publishing and Strategic Initiatives Office of Scholarly Communication University of California
Why should UC publish? Scholarly communication is the foundation of all academic activities. Scholarly materials ― even those authored by our own faculty ― have become expensive and their use restricted. The University of California has a stake in ensuring creation, dissemination, and preservation of the products of research and teaching, its primary activities.
What products? Journal articles Conference papers Seminar papers Technical reports Data sets Maps, charts, graphs, diagrams Drawings, paintings Software Simulations Teaching and text assessment material Film and video Photo images Audio Who knows?
eScholarship Program Two main publishing platforms in our search for sustainable, alternative models: eScholarship Repository: Library/faculty partnership; enables greater faculty control over publishing & dissemination eScholarship Editions: CDL/University Press partnership to extend publishing capabilities and experiment w/new roles
eScholarship Repository Full spectrum publishing platform: pre-prints and reports, peer-reviewed articles, edited volumes and peer-reviewed journals Existing university structure: research units and departments are gatekeepers; editorial and administrative functions distributed High adoption rate: >200+ UC academic units and departments on 10 campuses, labs and the Office of the President; 11,594 papers High usage rate: > 3.3 million full-text downloads to date; 65,159 per week during March 2006
What is currently in the eScholarship Repository? Working papers, pre-prints, tech reports Peer-reviewed articles, journals, etc Edited volumes, scholarly monographs Conference and seminar papers Theses and dissertations Oral histories, recorded interviews, etc.
PostPrints Response to faculty desire for greater control over management and use of creative output Takes advantage of liberalized “reprint” (i.e., postprint) policies by publishers Allows universities to capture and manage pools of content; allows development of new third-party value-added services (and may help end the fight over control of content) Discovery, resolver, linking services needed
What is to be done? Know your faculty, their publishing habits and their support needs Know the publishing services available, eScholarship or unique campus-based Promote the idea of UC support for university- based publishing and for better faculty management of their IP Consider ways to address un-met needs, locally or system-wide; consult with faculty, propose solutions