Non Ad Valorem Assessments Solid Waste Stormwater Code Enforcement
Non Ad Valorem Assessments Objectives Equitable Recovery of Fixed Costs Improved Billing, Collections and Administration Implementation
Non Ad Valorem Assessments Equitable Recovery of Fixed Costs Transient nature of community creates periods where fixed costs are not recovered Unrecovered costs are spread among other program participants An improved more stable revenue stream will allow for improvements in reserve management, rate stability reserves and emergency operating reserves An improved revenue stream leads to the potential for rate reductions as every customer is paying their fair share
Non Ad Valorem Assessments Improved Billing Collections and Administration Collections will be improved and not be impacted by seasonal changes in population, foreclosure or non-payment of other City services Services recovered as assessments will be removed from monthly residential billings – Monthly utility bills will reflect less activity, be cleaner in appearance and lower Customer service will improve as it will take less time to establish new residential accounts and provide ongoing administration – Utility deposits will decrease Recovery of Code Enforcement violations will be more timely
Non Ad Valorem Assessments Implementation By statute the City is required to enter into an agreement with the Lake County Property Appraiser and Tax Collector Need individual approval by service with a formal vote from Commission to move forward – Residential Solid Waste – Stormwater – Code Enforcement If approved four consecutive weeks of advertising is required prior to December resolution Commission needs to adopt a resolution at a public hearing, possibly a workshop, prior to January 1, 2011 and transmit a signed resolution to Department of Revenue, Lake County Property and Tax Collector