improving urban schooling – the promise and peril
Promise The Higher Your Educational Attainment, the More Likely You Are to: Live Be employed Stay out of prison Earn higher income Vote Exercise Volunteer Give blood Have children with higher educational attainment
. Of year olds, how many…. Graduate high school by age 19 Enter a four-year college within one year after high school Graduate from a four-year college within six years (by age 24 or 25) Total African American Female Male LatinoWhite/Other Female Male The Six to 100 Problem
The Urban Education Institute
Urban Education Institute Consortium on Chicago School Research (CCSR) Urban Teacher Education Program (UTEP) University of Chicago Charter School (UCCS) Tools for Schools
Consortium on Chicago School Research (CCSR) Inform policy, practice, public Influence Chicago reform for 20 years Use variety of formats and forums High technical quality but accessible Inspire creation of other consortia Create indicators—influencing CPS, state and federal policy
District-Level Evidence CPS adds on-track to HS accountability CCSR publishes report using on-track CCSR publishes school-by-school reports Percent of freshmen on-track to graduate CCSR publishes report detailing on-track indicator CCSR publishes “What Matters” CPS pilots freshmen interventions CPS implements early warning system Indicator Development
School-Level Evidence:Essential Supports for School Improvement
Effective Teacher Training, Support and Supervision
50% of urban teachers leave the profession within 5 years
We currently have a broken system for preparing, supporting, and rewarding teachers. The Typical Pathway to Teaching
The Vast Majority of Teachers Rated Excellent or Superior
Urban Teacher Education Program (UTEP) Training and retaining urban teachers Extended residency In-classroom coaching support UEI 95% retention rate in last 6 years Secondary program (2009–10) Shared instructional model with UCCS Training/placing in schools with shared instructional model
Models of Excellent Schooling
University of Chicago Charter School (UCCS) Creating reliably excellent schools Shared conception of strong instruction Diagnostics/targeted intervention Expanded instructional time PreK-12 th grade pathway Training, support, incentives for teachers Engagement of family and community
Black-White Achievement Gap for NKO 3 rd Grade Meets & Exceeds for Reading
High School Graduation Rates
Committee on Education Locus of scholarship in education Diverse disciplinary perspectives Fosters excellent scholarship in education Interchange across disciplines Interplay between researchers and practitioners Faculty deeply involved in work throughout UEI