Dante’s Divine Comedy: Inferno Canto 26: Thieves / Fraudulent Counselors
Eighth Circle, Seventh/Eighth Bolgia Dante’s invective against Florence Dante’s invective against Florence View of the eighth Bolgia View of the eighth Bolgia Fraudulent Counselors are punished : clothed in flame that burns them Fraudulent Counselors are punished : clothed in flame that burns them Ulysses and Diomedes in one shared flame Ulysses and Diomedes in one shared flame Ulysses’ tale of his final voyage Ulysses’ tale of his final voyage The Oakland University Motto The Oakland University Motto
Dante on Florence, his hometown Apostrophe: exclamatory rhetorical figure of speech, when a speaker or writer breaks off and directs speech in an abstract direction, to a person not present, or to a thing. (“O death, where is thy sting?”) Apostrophe: exclamatory rhetorical figure of speech, when a speaker or writer breaks off and directs speech in an abstract direction, to a person not present, or to a thing. (“O death, where is thy sting?”) “through every part of hell your name extends” “through every part of hell your name extends” The day will come when Florentines will mourn: when even its friends (the citizens of Prato?) will turn against you and crave your ruin. The day will come when Florentines will mourn: when even its friends (the citizens of Prato?) will turn against you and crave your ruin.
“My guide climbed up again and drew me forward…”
“…as many as the fireflies… so many were the flames that glittered in the eighth abyss.”
Ulysses and Diomedes False Counselors False Counselors Diomedes aided Ulysses in stealing the Palladium from Troy - removed the talisman and made Troy vulnerable to the Greeks Diomedes aided Ulysses in stealing the Palladium from Troy - removed the talisman and made Troy vulnerable to the Greeks
Palladium The theft of this monument from Troy by Ulysses and Diomedes helped win the war, but earned the pair an eternity of combustion in Dante’s Inferno, Canto 26 The theft of this monument from Troy by Ulysses and Diomedes helped win the war, but earned the pair an eternity of combustion in Dante’s Inferno, Canto 26 Pallas Athena
Ulysses: the Voyager
Ulysses wanted to sail beyond the Pillars of Hercules: Jebel Musa Rock of Gibraltar
The Voyages:
Ulysses giving false counsel Justification of the voyage beyond the Pillars of Hercules: to gain knowledge Justification of the voyage beyond the Pillars of Hercules: to gain knowledge His men and his ship are swallowed in a whirlpool His men and his ship are swallowed in a whirlpool
ln ‘Considerate la vostra semenza: ‘Considerate la vostra semenza: fatti non foste a viver come bruti fatti non foste a viver come bruti ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza’ ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza’’ Consider well the seed that gave you birth: Consider well the seed that gave you birth: you were not made to live your lives as brutes you were not made to live your lives as brutes but to be followers of worth and knowledge but to be followers of worth and knowledge