IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 71 Web Services A set of tools and protocols which enable software applications to communicate, pass data and issue commands to each other over the Internet or Intranet.
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 72 Web Services – XML An interface that describes a collection of operations that are network accessible thru standardized XML messaging. Self-contained, modular apps that are over the internet --described --published --located --invoked 1.2 Online Auto Dealership
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 73 Web Services Applications Talk to each other Pass data to each other Send commands back and forth Can be inside / outside the firm Standards: Vendor specific with EAI or BPI None with Java Core set with XML XML transfer over HTTP or SOAP
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 74 Web Services XML (Extensible Markup Language) customizable method for tag creation SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) msg protocol to encode XML UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) distrib directory of web services available WSDL (Web Services Description Language) XML formatted lang for web svc ebXML (electronic business Extensible Markup Language) modular suite of specs for standardizing XML globally for facilitating trade
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 75 Web Services -- Limitations The HTTP reliance – “sessionless” or “eventless” – when one computer interacts with another across internet – no ongoing connection between the two – no memory of the transaction -- interaction done thru requests/responses but can not maintain info between requests Not good for complex transactions – banking, Use SOAP as a work around
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 76 Web Services -- Limitations Security – authorization and encryption not basic -- non-repudiation messy (when company gets confirmation of PO – can not be undone Work Arounds -- customized systems interacting with untouched web services at other firms – messy -- no standard way to do interface Work Services Networks -- an integration hub available thru subscription
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 77 Information Management Information Management faces 4 challenges 1. Information overload – help needed on filtering / selecting 2. Digital Rot – longevity of digital knowledge undermined by assumptions 1. Everything is kept / nothing crashes 2. Digital format captures everything 3. Library can sort it out later
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 78 Information Management 3. Multiplicity of formats/media 4 nodes = 12 connectors then add more !!!!
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 79 Information Management Transaction and Version Management Now want digital trace of content’s history How has file evolved from draft to finished copy? Who has been sent file, who has approved, who has seen? Has file been received? How accepted?
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 710 Information Management Transaction and Version Management The KEY is in the CAPABILITIES to associate relevant control info with any text indicating The WHAT (added, deleted, changed) The WHO The WHEN And maintaining that text within or linking to the text XML content is self-describing XML had no rigid distinctions between Content Control
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 711 Response to Information Management XML provides standardized means for capturing, storing, describing: Information content and structure Rules and information about how that control s/be understood, managed, stored, and referenced How the content is transmitted, transformed and/or presented How content is related to each other
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 712 Web Services – Top Ten Think plumbing between computer pgms to pass Data/Content Command Web Services – next logical step in integrating the Internet into the Enterprise Standards not really up to par yet – many things need agreement before it can take off XML is the heart of web services Probably org is already using web services but not aware If implemented well, greatly decreases complexity of system integration for org Web Services will be THE protocol for data exchange over the Internet Sun Microsystem’s J2EE and MS’s.NET – 2 main platforms of choice for development Most Web Services is intraorganizational today Next growth phase – B2B communications --
IS425 Autumn Norma Sutcliffe Session 713 Question: EDI is electronic data interchange – Uses traditional record format to record transactions between firms Has standards the X.25 for example Has been around since 1970’s Used to transmit transactions between suppliers/customers Expensive to implement and maintain Will Web Services take over from EDI?