Roskilde University,Denmark Basic Facts Learning Principles Working Methods Course Content Project Examples Staff Thomas Tufte Presented at ’CoMundus Induction Days’, Thomas Tufte Presented at ’CoMundus Induction Days’, Chianchiano, 2-4 October 2008
Basic facts from RUC 25 years of communication studies 3 comm-relevant masters programs: – MA in Communication (150 pr year) Ordinary Track International Track – MA in Professional Communication (Distance education, pr year) –MA in Performance Design (30 pr year) (Other RUC-MAs: Journalism, PR, Int’l Dev.Studies)
Learning Principles & Working Methods The 4 Ps: –P roblem Driven (students define the problem) –P roject Based (projects; 18 of 30 ECTS pr semester) –P raxis Oriented (1 semester in the field + rekvirent- system) –P rocess Oriented (group based, exams) P+P+P+P = Participatory & Student-Centered Learning Process My Role? Facilitating learning processes
Course Content Each course is 4 ECTS Globalisation, Development and Strategic Communication 42 students (from 16 countries) Includes: – Seminar at WHO-Euro –10 page group course assignment assessing organisations’s comm strategies Considering that we are living in a time of strong economic and cultural globalisation, in a time of ’rupture’ in world development processes – with mass migration and huge advances and changes in the electronic media – what role is media and communication playing in these processes of change? How can we use communication strategically to articulate processes of change, be it social change, policy change or behaviour change? The overall course objective is to rethink communication for development – and how to approach and address different audiences – in the context of a crtical assessment of globalisation
Course Examples Audience Studies Dialogic Communication Media Convergence Video production Edutainment Health Communication,
Examples Projects (15 of 30 ECTS): –Communication for Human Rights – the case of Afghanistan; Assessing Theories of Communication for Social Change MA-Thesis –CFSC in HIV/AIDS Prevention in Uganda –Forum Theatre –Local Media, Integration and Social Change in ’Vollsmose’ (a neighbourhood of Odense with 70% ethnic minorities) Ph.D-Thesis –Communication and Conflict Resolution –Management and Communication for Social Change
Faculty Team Head of Studies, Karsten Petersen CoMundus contacts: Kim Schrøder and Rikke Krogh Course Providers: Henrik Juel, Francesco Lapenta, Thomas Tufte, Louise Phillips, etc.