Vehicle Sizing PDR Presented by: Mark Blanton Chris Curtis Loren Garrison September 21, 2000 Chris Peters Jeff Rodrian DR2.


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Presentation transcript:

Vehicle Sizing PDR Presented by: Mark Blanton Chris Curtis Loren Garrison September 21, 2000 Chris Peters Jeff Rodrian DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR I. Preliminary Weight Estimate Historical Weight Database Weight Estimation II. Preliminary Wing Loading and Power Loading Estimate Explanation of Constraint Equations Constraint Diagram III. Aircraft Size Summary Weight, Wing Area, Motor Horsepower Estimate DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Historical Weight Database: Wing weight per unit area set from 5 previous AAE 451 aircraft. Aircraft used: ’97 Fat Albert ’98 Tow Plane & Glider ’99 Red Team & Green Team W wing /S wing = 2.75 oz./ft 2 DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Historical Weight Database: Weight breakdowns from ’97 Fat Albert and ’98 Tow Plane used for estimates on: 1.Fuselage – 12.0% Gross Weight 2.Vertical Tail – 2.0% Gross Weight 3.Horizontal Tail – 3.0% Gross Weight 4.Miscellaneous*– 5.0% Gross Weight * Landing Gear Struts, Control Rods, Hinges, Mounts, etc DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Weight Estimation: Payload Weight includes: 1.Tattletale 8 data logger, interface box, & cord 2.Pitot-Static Airspeed Instrument 3.Gyro 4.Power Supply Arrangements W payload = oz DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Weight Estimation: Fixed Weight includes: 1.Receiver & Receiver Battery 2.3 Servos 3.3 Foam Tires 4.Propeller 5.Speed Controller W fixed = oz DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Weight Estimation: Motor & Battery -AstroFlight 25G = oz oz = oz Motor and battery weights equal to ’98 tow plane values which is assumed to be the approximate size of our aircraft. DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Weight Estimation [oz.]: Wings:54.4 Fuselage:19.5 Battery:27.65 Motor:12.50 Payload:18.50 Fixed Weight:14.54 Vertical & Horizontal Tails:8.13 Miscellaneous:8.13 Gross Weight: 10.2 lbs DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR DR2 Drag Buildup:

Vehicle Sizing PDR Drag Buildup: DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Constraint Equations: Loiter Velocity DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Constraint Equations: Sustained Turn Rate at r max DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Constraint Equations: Climb Angle (): DR2 Increase in drag due to flight angle

Vehicle Sizing PDR Constraint Equations: Ground Roll Distance DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Constraint Equations: Stall Speed where V stall < 20 ft/sec DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Constraint Diagram: DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Aircraft Size Summary: Gross Weight =10.1 lbs. Wing Area =19.7 ft 2 Wing Span =8.9 ft. Fuselage Length =5.0 ft Aircraft Horsepower Estimate = 0.1 hp. DR2

Vehicle Sizing PDR Questions DR2