Name That Fallacy
According to a Harris Poll of 889 U.S. adults conducted in 2005, approximately 60% believe in the devil (61%) and in hell (59%) so these must exist.
According to a Harris Poll of 889 U.S. adults conducted in 2005, approximately 60% believe in the devil (61%) and in hell (59%) so these must exist. FALLACY: Bandwagon Appeal (Ad Populum)
Tiger Woods recommended that people buy Buick cars and he knows what he is talking about.
Tiger Woods recommended that people buy Buick cars and he knows what he is talking about. FALLACY: Appeal to False Authority
If you don’t send your children to a private school they will not get a good basic education, they will not do well in high school and almost certainly drop out and end up on welfare or in a minimum wage job.
FALLACY: Reduction to the Absurd (Slippery Slope)
Either we get rid of the tent city for homeless people in Seattle or all homeless people will move to Seattle.
FALLACY: Either/Or
The three people who committed that burglary were from Luxembourg. I guess all Luxembourgians are criminals.
FALLACY: Hasty Generalization
Why should I believe what Vice-President Biden thinks about foreign policy? He can’t talk for three minutes together without saying something that offends someone.
FALLACY: Ad Hominen (Attack on the Person)
Two days after eating a plate of pork ribs, I got a case of swine flu. Where else do you think I got it from?
FALLACY: False Cause (Post Hoc)
Rush Limbaugh: "I'm a very controversial figure to the animal rights movement. They no doubt view me with some measure of hostility because I am constantly challenging their fundamental premise that animals are superior to human beings."
FALLACY: Attacking a Straw Man
If you don’t like how the presidential election turned out, then leave the country and live somewhere else.
FALLACY: Either/Or
If pornography is outlawed, censorship of newspapers and news magazines is only a short step away. After that there will be censorship of textbooks, political speeches, and the content of lectures by university professors. Complete mind control by the central government will be the inevitable result.
FALLACY: Reduction to the absurd (Slippery Slope)
People who say that hazing in the military is wrong are just a bunch of wimps.
FALLACY: Ad Hominen (Attack on the Person)
People have been trying for centuries to prove without a doubt that astrology doesn’t work. But since they can’t prove this conclusively, we must conclude that the claims of astrology are true.
FALLACY:. Appeal to Ignorance
We stop immigration now or none of us real Americans will have jobs.
FALLACY: Either/Or
The quality of education in our schools has been declining for years. Clearly, our teachers aren’t doing their jobs.
FALLACY: False Cause (Post Hoc)
70% of Americans in the United States in 2007 are in favor of the death penalty for a person convicted of murder, according to recent statistics by the Gallup Company. Therefore the death penalty should be the law of the land.
70% of Americans in the United States in 2007 are in favor of the death penalty for a person convicted of murder, according to recent statistics by the Gallup Company. Therefore the death penalty should be the law of the land. FALLACY: Bandwagon Appeal (Ad Populum)
The price of gasoline goes up to $3 a gallon and Highline’s enrollment increases.
The price of gasoline goes up to $3 a gallon and Highline’s enrollment increases. FALLACY: False Cause (Ad Hoc)
There is a certain attitude in the world, by some, that says that it's a waste of time to try to promote free societies in parts of the world..... I just strongly disagree with those who do not see the wisdom of trying to promote free societies around the world.... I simply do not agree with those who either say overtly or believe that certain societies cannot be free.
FALLACY: Attacking the Straw Man
She just got her driving license and immediately got into an accident. No way 16 year olds should be allowed to drive.
She just got her driving license and immediately got into an accident. No way 16 year olds should be allowed to drive. Fallacy: Hasty Generalization
"People have been trying for centuries to prove that God exists. But no one has yet been able to prove it. Therefore, God does not exist."
"People have been trying for centuries to prove that God exists. But no one has yet been able to prove it. Therefore, God does not exist." FALLACY: Appeal to Ignorance
We should believe her statement about euthanasia because when she gave her presentation she was in great physical pain.
We should believe her statement about euthanasia because when she gave her presentation she was in great physical pain. FALLACY: Appeal to Pity
There's a mighty big difference between good, sound reasons and reasons that sound good. Source: Burton Hillis, cited in Laurence J. Peter, Peter's Quotations: Ideas for Our Time (1977), p. 425.
That’s All, Folks