Timeline of Christianity: Power Structure of the Middle Ages in Europe


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Presentation transcript:

Timeline of Christianity: Power Structure of the Middle Ages in Europe

Early Christianity: Not Allowed 1. Early Heresy A. Started out as a minor group amongst Judaism, but not really accepted by Judaism or Rome 2. Martyrdom A. Persecution by Roman Emperors (and other groups) 1) Forced Christians into secrecy and a faith that glorifies those who die for beliefs 3. Edict of Milan (313CE): Constantine gives legal status to Christianity (legitimizes it) A It becomes official religion in 380CE 4. 392 CE- Christianity made Empire’s only legal faith

Organizing a Church- OK SO HOW DO WE RUN OURSELVES? Now no persecution- so they focused on ecclesiastical organization Set up a formal hierarchy of priests/bishops Bishop of Rome is given the title of “Pope” in 5th century

Organizing a Church- OK SO HOW DO WE RUN OURSELVES? Official body of dogma (an officially agreed upon set of beliefs) Christ as both fully human and fully divine Trinity- God is 3 persons equally of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit If not a belief then it is heresy (belief that goes against official doctrine)

Organizing a Church- OK SO HOW DO WE RUN OURSELVES? Organized Christian Texts into Christian Bible Old Testament (Hebrew Torah, stories from Jewish history, writings of Hebrew prophets) New Testament (Four Gospels, episodes from history of early Christian church, letters of Apostles)

Councils of 300s+ (used to decide organizational structures) Council of Nicea- 320s called by Constantine Results- Nicene Creed (a declaration of fundamental Christian beliefs) Members Jerome (347-420CE): Vulgate Bible was first Latin translation (architect) Augustine (354-430CE): wrote “City of God” which is considered to have laid the foundation for the development of Christian doctrine

Dual Centers of Christianity Constantinople and Rome Great Schism of 1054CE: Western and Eastern churches split formally and permanently Western Church takes control (Roman Catholic Church)

Hierarchy of the Church Priest>Bishop>Archbishop>Cardinal (Papal advisors)>Pope Also have monks and nuns Papal Power Excommunication: expulsion from the Church Crusades: holy wars Church was a huge landowner (Papal States)

Hierarchy of the Church Christendom: Ultimate goal of medieval popes was to join all nations of Europe into Christian community to be governed by Pope, with kings/emperors subject to his rule 1231- Holy Inquisition: a special court with wide ranging powers established to hunt out and harshly punish heresy

Religious Practices Grab bag HOW DO WE WORSHIP? Francis of Assisi Friars: “brother”, monks that went into the world to preach, lived by begging, no property or personal wealth Mass: Catholic worship service Communion: taking of bread and wine to symbolize the body and blood of Christ (we will discuss further)

Religious Practices Grab bag HOW DO WE WORSHIP? Pray to saints Example: Mary (mother of Jesus), named cathedrals after her like Notre Dame (“our mother”) Relics Bones or personal belongings of saints Pilgrims Religious travelers who journey to holy places (like Jerusalem)