EndNote Short Example
About EndNote A bibliographic or citation management tool Allows you to store citations in a personal database Citations can then be added to word processing documents (Word) and the program will automatically format the citations in any number of styles
About EndNote Doesn’t work with all databases but it does work with: –Web of Science –Medline, PsycINFO, CINHAL, and Basic Biosis from OVID –MLA, EconLit, PAIS, Business and Management Practices from FirstSearch –And more
Export Records from library database or add manually to EndNote. You can export from many library databases including: Web of Science, New York Times Online, PsycINFO and Basic Biosis (OVID), and all of the databases that use the FirstSearch interface (MLA, Econlit). Export formatted references to a document. Your EndNote Database
The Welcome Screen Web of Science is one of several products we subscribe to from the same company. To go to Web of Science, click Web of Science
Exporting Citations This example shows how to export from Web of Science
Mark Citations for Mailing or Exporting Mark items you want to export (or save to) EndNote. Then click on submit.
View Your Marked List Click on Marked List Reminder that I have 3 marked records.
Export Select the fields you want to be included in each exported record. Author, title, and source will provide me with the standard citation information. Click in Export to Reference Software
Export Continued
Save Prompt Select an existing EndNote file or create a new one by entering a filename. Click OPEN to continue.
The items have now been added to an EndNote file
Select items to add to Word document
Now that we have items in our EndNote database lets open a Word document
Word Document with EndNote Toolbar Once you have EndNote on your computer when you are in Word you will see an EndNote toolbar.
Word Document with EndNote Toolbar Click here to add selected items from EndNote.
My citations have now been added Word