Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company INSTRUCTOR : Ms.Terri Li-Chi Yueh Group 5 Students: Catherine . Hedy . Kana . Migo. Monica . Sam . Sophia. Tina
Group 5 Flowchart Group 5 Sam Hedy Corporate Strategy Critical Path Sam Hedy Corporate Strategy Critical Path analysis Monica Business Goals Kana Market segmentation Company History Group 5 Flowchart Diversification Catherine Cost – benefit analysis 文字 Tina SWOT analysis Migo Sophia Group 5
Company History Founded in 1987, TSMC is the world's largest dedicated semiconductor foundry. As the founder and leader of this industry, TSMC has built its reputation by offering advanced wafer production processes and unparalleled manufacturing efficiency. From its inception, TSMC has consistently offered its customers the foundry industry's leading technologies. The company's manufacturing capacity is currently about 4.3 million wafers, while its revenues represent some 60% of the global foundry market. Group 5
Company History TSMC is the world's largest dedicated semiconductor foundry, providing the industry's leading process technology and the foundry industry's largest portfolio of process-proven library, IP, design tools and reference flows. In the year 2003, TSMC perated one 6-inch wafer fab (Fab 2), five 8-inch wafer fabs (Fab 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8), and one12-inch fab (Fab 12), while another 12-inch fab (Fab 14) had completed facility construction by the year-end. Group 5
Company History The Company also has capacity commitments in its subsidiary WaferTech in the United States, and in a joint venture (with Philips Semiconductor) under the name of Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company (SSMC) in Singapore. The total installed annual capacity of TSMC and affiliates amounted to 4 million 8-inch equivalent wafers by the end of 2003. Group 5
Business Goals Vision Corporate Values I Corporate Values II Group 5
Vision Our vision is to be the most advanced, innovative and largest provider of foundry services, and in partnership with our customers, creating the most powerful force in the semiconductor industry. Organizations and publications around the world have recognized TSMC's has been recognized by achievements, particularly in areas of customer-orientation and innovation. TSMC's commitment to integrity and its unparalleled leadership is second to none. Group 5
Corporate Values I Group 5 Integrity Integrity is a fundamental value of the company. Our strong corporate governance, as well as the demand of honesty and uprightness, best illustrate this commitment to integrity for all TSMC employees. Customer Orientation Superior customer service has distinguished the Company from its peers in the dedicated IC foundry segment of the semiconductor industry. All in all, TSMC believes that premium service results in premium return to shareholders. Group 5
Corporate Values II Group 5 Innovation TSMC believe in the potential and capability in everyone to innovate. Future emphasis will be to apply the spirit of innovation to every aspect of the company's business, from the way we think to the way we act. Commitment At TSMC, believes that commitment is the driving force that makes things happen. TSMC asks its entire staff for their personal commitment to their jobs and the Company. TSMC believes that the welfare of employees is best served when the welfare of the company is duly taken care of. Group 5
Corporate Strategy Group 5 Do the best effort to serve the topic semiconductor manufacturing service to our customers. We want to do best and best in any part in TSMC and continually improve our business culture to satisfy the customers . The goal we want the last is “perfect” . All our members should do the best to raise up the “QUALITY” . Group 5
Critical Path analysis TSMC is the global first that created the semiconductor dedicated foundry industry. TSMC often fills the vigorous vitality and the vigor, grasps as necessary positively is enterprising, the high efficiency handles matters the manner, in accordance to the fast changing industrial characteristic. So, it continues as the market leader by steadily increasing its capital spending and by out performing all other market competitors. Group 5
Critical Path analysis In order to coordinate the international diversity development, employed the aspect in the worker, only paid attention to brilliance of mind, no matter nationality. This management style allows all opinions to be expressed before a final decision is made. Once a decision is made, everyone works together to achieve the set goal. To achieve this, each person continuously evaluates and improves the quality of his or her own work. They ultimate goal is zero defects in everything they do. Group 5
Market segmentation Group 5 Fabless segment IDM (integrated device manufacturer) TSMC's customers sell the advanced IC chips to a diverse range of electronic end products, including PCs, servers, computer peripherals, information appliances, wired and wireless communications systems, automotive and industrial equipment, and also consumer electronics such as DVD players, game consoles and digital still cameras (DSC). Group 5
Worldwide Manufacturing Diversification Worldwide Manufacturing TSMC serves the global semiconductor market through its network of worldwide manufacturing facilities and offices. TSMC also has substantial capacity commitments at its wholly-owned subsidiary, WaferTech in the United States Group 5
Diversification TSMC Education and Culture Foundation TSMC is dedicated to becoming the leading Taiwan corporate citizen and has been an active sponsor of educational and cultural activities.
Diversification TSMC Literature The TSMC Literature section is made up of two main categories: Brochures and Newsletters. These resources are supplied by TSMC marketing. You can find Brochures on various topics, including an Overview, Advanced Technology, Mainstream Technology and Feature Technology & Service. Our Foundry Watch Newsletters provide quarterly news updates, which for your convenience you may download in either PDF or HTML formats
What is Cost-benefit analysis ? It is a powerful, widely used and relatively easy tool for deciding whether to make a change. Costs are either one-off, or may be ongoing. Benefits are most often received over time. This is the time it takes for the benefits of a change to repay its costs. Many companies look for payback over a specified period of time - e.g. three years. Group 5
Cost – benefit analysis There have two methods to follow First work out how much the change will cost to make. Then calculate the benefit you will from it. Group 5
Cost – benefit analysis TSMC’s main cost is machinery and equipment. So every work have it most output. Because the depreciation is very expensive. Use the technique simply add up the value of the benefits of a course of action, and subtract the costs associated with it. Group 5
SWOT analysis Group 5 TSMC (Strength) 1 、Having good relationship whit their main customers. 2 、Having leadership in advance technology 3 、Providing complete technology service in IP. 4 、Economies of scale TSMC (Weakness) 1 、Having query about employee stock option Group 5
SWOT analysis Group 5 TSMC (Opportunity) 1 、Orders of original equipment manufacture (OEM) 2 、Development of nanometer technology and Soc. 3 、Close to China market TSMC (Threaten) 1 、Be put in competition with IDM (Integrated Device Manufacturer) 2 、New novice's threatening Group 5
Thanks for your listening Group 5 Thanks for your listening