Mealy vs Moore 2 examples of problems where Moore FSM has more than 1 extra state versus Mealy FSM
Problem Σ o = {t, f} Σ I ={0, 1} Outputs t at least 2 last input digits are same
Solutions One can see that Mealy implementation needs only 3 states, while Moore implementation needs 2 more almost duplicated states just in order to the output value t there (filled in green).
Mealy 0 1 S 0/f 0/t 0/f 1/f 1/t
Moore 0/f 1/f S/f /t 1 11/t
One More Problem Σ o = {t, f} Σ I ={a, b, c} Outputs t the last 3 input symbols were either ‘abc’ or ‘cba’
Solutions One can see that Mealy implementation needs only 5 states, while Moore implementation needs 2 more almost duplicated states just in order to the output value t there (filled in green).
Mealy O B’ C A B” b/f c/t b/f a/t a/f c/f a/f c/f b/f a/f c/f b/f
Moore O /f B’ /f C /f A /f B” /f b c b a a a c c a c b a c b b C /t t A /t t c a a b b c