AASL 2011 National Conference Books, E-Ink, and Databases, Oh My! Collection Development in the 21 st Century iPads in the School Library Angela Carstensen
Background Convent of the Sacred Heart, New York, NY 690 students, PK3-12, all girls ~50 students per grade Two libraries Lower/Middle School (grades PK3-8) Upper School (grades 9-12)
Technology & Research Technology Mac school Laptops available, but not 1-1 Smartboards
iPad Proposal NYSAIS Workshop “If you build it, they will come” “How iPads will be used in the US Library”
Initial App Suggestions, March 2011 EbscoHost Gale Access my Library Google Books Overdrive (NYPL) Stanza Keynote Dropbox
Reality Teachers need access App budget for experimentation Designated Tech staff Decide on productivity apps iPads are 1-to-1 devices – – Saving work – Personal ebook libraries
Library iPads Cart
Library iPads Teachers sign-out sheet location Students Downloading apps / AUP Videos & Games
Adding Apps Self Service Folder Casper Adding websites as apps
Purchasing Apps iTunes Gift cards App Store Volume Purchasing Program
Use in the Classroom Math – Algebra I Spanish Religion Science
Recommended Apps Teachers TeacherPal (free) Splashtop Whiteboard ($9.99) All Scan to Pdf ($3.99) iAnnotate PDF ($9.99)
Research in the Library
WHAT’S NEW: Intuitive & engaging homepage Improved navigation & organization Dynamic subject tree Results show book covers Enhanced relevance search & filtering Multi-page viewing Switch interface to another language GVRL Logo
STILL RETAINS THE SAME FEATURES YOU’VE COME TO EXPECT: Single-source unlimited user access to thousands of full-text authoritative reference works Hundreds of award-winning titles Over 70 leading publishing partners and growing Toolbox allows , download, listen, print, send articles to portable devices, MP3, and translate into 13 languages Seamlessly cross-search your collection within PowerSearch, InfoTrac and other digital resources from Gale GVRL logo
Research in the Library
Google Search App
Making a shared device work Google Books & Google Docs – Teach students to add & delete an account per use, when needed Dropbox – Free App, 2G of storage free ; log in & out each use. – If a student wanted to use Dropbox instead of a flashdrive, they could pay monthly for more space. Each user has their own account.
Bluefire Reader App
Check iBooks Can we download all english books in our curriculum to iBooks? Do they then show up everywhere?
Overdrive App
Recommended Resources Ipads in Education, Apps in Education,
Angela Carstensen Head Librarian, Convent of the Sacred Heart New York, NY Blog: Adult Books 4 Teens (SLJ)