Economia de Desenvolvimento Agrário (Rural) Lecture notes 1 February 2008
Outline My background Background of students – expectations – through their representatives Schedule – agree with students Course content/required reading – discuss with students Objectives of the course
My background MA in Economics 1968 UNDP and FAO Peru Economic Commission for Latin America University of Lund PhD 1981 PhD course in environmental economics 2004 Mozambique and since then consultancies about 2 times per year For details:
My co-ordinates My new Web Site: I will try to up-load lecture notes etc onto my Web Site
Schedule Mondays: 17:30-19:00 Tuesdays: 15:45-17:15 Wednesdays: 17:30-19:00 (not 13 February) I will be available one hour before the lecture starts. Extra session one Saturday - Internet
Reading List I assume that you have read: PLANO DE ACÇÃO PARA A REDUÇÃO DA POBREZA ABSOLUTA Can be found on the Web (Portal do Governo) and
ESTRATÉGIA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO RURAL (EDR) Setembro de 2007 Decentralisation policies of the Government of Mozambique And the The Science and Technology Strategy of May 2006.
Major textbook Todaro, Michael P. and Smith, Stephen C. Economic Development 9th Edition It is a big book with lots of useful references For students visit:
For those who have difficulties with basic Economics Samuelson, Paul A. and Nordhaus, William D. Economía It is a standard texbook in economics but any one will do.
Case studies URBAN BIAS IN DEVELOPMENT REVISITED POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGIES IN TANZANIA Tom Alberts Stockholm, 8 February, 2005 Can be downloaded from my Web site (Adobe)
Perhaps a book – …Can be downloaded from my Web Site Theoretical Framework Wasting Water. Peru 1979 and Swaziland 1998, the same sad story Vested Interests in Action. Two Multinational Companies in Argentina 1985 Using Scarce Resources Better. Mission Impossible? The Choice of Technology Revisited
Evaluation of IBIS extension programme in the Zambezia province (Report available) Mozambique – A Success Story in Poverty Alleviation? Can be down loaded from my Web Site.
Objectives of the Course
General objectives: To provide the students with basic knowledge of applied economic theory relevant to Mozambican rural and agricultural development so as to enhance their capacity to analyze problems and propose practical solutions; and To provide the students with a general background of the international discourse on economic and socio-economic development, with particular emphasis on rural and agricultural development.
Specific objectives Develop the students’ capacity to provide policy analysis and develop policy options; Train the students to use the Internet to find relevant information for problem solving; and Train the students to apply economic theory on specific problems including areas such as:
…areas such as: o The importance of defining costs and benefits in economic terms (costs and benefits to society) o Domestic and international trade o Foreign direct investments in Mozambican agriculture – opportunities and threats o The choice of technology
…areas such as: o Resource allocation o Pricing policy o Measures on development such as the Human Development Index o Poverty issues o Distribution of income and wealth o Constraints and possibilities of rural and agricultural development in Mozambique
For this you will have to understand Average and marginal productivity Total, average and marginal costs Supply and Demand curves Price and income elasticities Opportunity costs Net present value Discounting
and Real and nominal values - inflation Consumer price index and other indices Profit maximization The difference between social and private costs and benefits Terms-of-Trade And …
Course requirement Pass a written exam – date? Summarize 3 scientific articles within an area of interest to you and: –The articles should be written in English –They should be in the AGORA collection – more than 900 academic journals available to you –The Summary can be in Portuguese
AGORA Web Site: User name: ag-MOZ002 Password: d9gV2QL3 The article must be from the AGORA database!
Googles Googles is very rapid Use advanced search Here you can rapidly find the articles you are interested in You cannot download most academic articles!! Have to use AGORA Try also Googles Scholar Time to practice!!!