Where I am saving it Double click on the folder that says “My Music” so that it shows in the Save In box. Double click on the folder “Sound bites” so it shows in the Save In box.
Files don’t reside here, in the collection area ~ they find the path. So keep the files stored on your hard-drive to make it easy.
Files don’t reside here, in the collection area ~ they find the path. So keep the files stored on your hard-drive to make it easy.
Files don’t reside here, in the collection area ~ they find the path. So keep the files stored on your hard-drive to make it easy.
Files don’t reside here, in the collection area ~ they find the path. So keep the files stored on your hard-drive to make it easy.
So let’s start building a movie… click and drag a picture to first storyboard box
Add more pictures…any order
Import Sound File
Time Ruler across the Top
Drag audio file into Storyboard
Take a second to listen to your Movie.
Yikes! I want to talk for more than 60 seconds!
Minimize your Movie Maker Open Audacity
Recording Sound Files in Audacity
When working use Save Project As but when it is ready EXPORT as WAV file to your My Music, Sound Bites folder