The ultimate goal of science: Defensible explanatory accounts of the way the natural world works.
How do various forms of scientific knowledge contribute to this goal? Theories Laws Models Hypotheses Theories Laws Models Hypotheses
Models:generators of ideas to test The most broadly applied of all forms of knowledge They are representations of how something is structured or how something works They are the “testable” subsets of theories Note! People typically believe models are only the outcome of investigation, but their primary purpose in science is to generate novel and productive ideas to test. The most broadly applied of all forms of knowledge They are representations of how something is structured or how something works They are the “testable” subsets of theories Note! People typically believe models are only the outcome of investigation, but their primary purpose in science is to generate novel and productive ideas to test.
Hypotheses-- Are testable “pieces” of models If, in my current model, _____ is true, then I would expect ____ to happen in my study because________.
Theories= explanation/ cause Explanations of how some aspect of the natural world works (statements of cause or underlying mechanisms) They make statements that go beyond what is directly observable Explanations of how some aspect of the natural world works (statements of cause or underlying mechanisms) They make statements that go beyond what is directly observable
Laws=description Descriptions of relationships in systems in the natural world Laws do not offer explanations Note! Theories never “become” laws, but theories can help explain why laws seem to “work” Descriptions of relationships in systems in the natural world Laws do not offer explanations Note! Theories never “become” laws, but theories can help explain why laws seem to “work” TheoriesLaws