Clinical Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Promoting Interdisciplinary Collaboration 1
2 USC Receives $56.8 Million National Institutes of Health Award for Clinical and Translational Research Wednesday, July 14, 2010 Photo: Keck School Dean Carmen A. Puliafito with principal investigator Thomas A. Buchanan, M.D., director of the Los Angeles Basin CTSI, and associate dean for clinical research at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.
The CTSI is a Partnership 3
The CTSI is an Institute Translational Projects 4
CTSI Leadersh ip Team Carlos Pato Research Development Medicine/Psychiatry Fred Sattler Clinical Translation Medicine/Infectious Disease Carl Kesselman Information Sciences Engineering Michele Kipke Community Translation MedicinePediatrics Roberta Brinton Basic Translation Pharmacy Frances Richmond Regulatory Science Pharmacy Jon Samet Education Medicine/Prev. Med. Alex Capron Research Ethics Law Tom Buchanan Director Medicine/Diabetes
New translational teams, projects and programs New translational researchers Culture and environment that promote translational research All in the context of improving health for diverse urban communities CTSI Main Products 6
Experts to facilitate translational research at all levels – bench, bedside, community Tools to build collaborations and conduct collaborative research Money to start new projects and programs Education and career development What resources will we provide? 7
Help us create an environment in which interdisciplinary and translational research is feasible, facile and highly valued. What can the senate do? 8