REACTION POWER: Political Ontology for Web Entity Retrieval Sílvio Moreira
REACTION POWER introduction POWER is an ontology that formalizes the domain knowledge defining political landscape Main political actors (politicians and political organizations) Roles Relationships Interactions
REACTION POWER introduction Create a resource to recognize and resolve references to political entities in text Opinion mining Entity tracking and ranking Expert finding... Could serve other purposes, such as studies in political science or sociology
REACTION POWER overview The ontology is focused in describing Politicians Political Institutions in different levels of authority (International, National, Regional,...) Political Associations Political Affiliations and Endorsements Elections Mandates
REACTION POWER overview The ontology should be able to answer questions such as: Who is Sócrates? Who is known as Pinócrates? Who were the Government ministers of Portugal in 2000? Who were the leaders of the main political parties in 1995? Who are the members of the list endorsed by the Portuguese Socialist Party for the last parliamentary elections? In which mandates has served José Sócrates?
REACTION POWER conceptual model
REACTION POWER conceptual model (elections)
REACTION POWER development The ontology uses terms from several existing vocabularies OWL 2 FOAF DC Additional terms were created to describe domain specific kwnoledge Assert the provenance of the data Metadata RDF Reification
REACTION POWER architecture
REACTION POWER bootstrap Ontology bootstrap Python Modules Module ”OntoSerializer” Generic OO management of Individuals, Properties and Relations Serialization in RDF/XML Module ”Powerade” Wraps the details of creating POWER individuals Methods to create all types of individuals and relations
REACTION POWER bootstrap Bootstrap script Creates instances of the political parties From: Creates instances to represent the 2011 presidential elections From: Script that scraps data from government site From: Generates code to insert statements about the politicians and the mandates in the Portuguese constitutional governments between the years of 1976 and 2009 Injects python code in the bootstrap script Deployment of the ontology with an initial set of assertions that will allow the validation of the proposed model
REACTION POWER bootstrap The bootstrap resulted in the creation of 587 Politicians 17 (editions) of Political Institutions 16 Political Associations 900 Mandates 1 Elections 6 Candidate Lists
REACTION POWER future work Enrichement population of the ontology using text-mining software Deployment release to the general public via SPARQL endpoint and web user interface Connection linking to GeoNet-PT and alignment with the Freebase ontologies