Process Systems Engineering Korea Gas Safety Corporation Simulator Development of Virtual Experience and Accident Scenarios of Hydrogen Stations for Safety Accident Scenarios of Hydrogen Stations for Safety 2007 ICHS 13th September, 2007 Eun-Jung Kim 1 Young-Gyu Kim 1, Il Moon 2, Ji-Yoon Kim 1 1 Institute of Gas Safety R&D, Korea Gas Safety Corporation 2 Chemical Engineering, Yonsei University
Process Systems Engineering Korea Gas Safety Corporation About KGS Safety Check-up & Diagnosis Safety Check-up & Diagnosis Gas Safety Education & Training Gas Safety R&D Gas Appliance Inspection& Inspection&Certification Gas Appliance Inspection& Inspection&Certification Gas Safety Total Services Gas Safety Total Services Gas Facilities Inspection
Contents Ⅰ. The Present Status of Hydrogen Stations in Korea H2H2 H2H2 H2H2 H2H2 H2H2 Ⅱ. Simulator Development Ⅳ. Future Plans Ⅲ. Conclusions
Ⅰ. The Present Status of Hydrogen Stations in Korea Hydrogen Stations in Korea
2007 ICHS Ⅰ. Trend in research □ First policy measures toward hydrogen in 1992 16 research fields Support 7million dollars from 1992 to 2002 Hydrogen research started in the latter of the 80’s Limited to a basic research like hydrogen manufacture ·storage·utilization □ First Hydrogen fueling stations constructed in □ First Hydrogen fueling stations constructed in 2003 □ Started on full-scale hydrogen safety research in □ Started on full-scale hydrogen safety research in 2006
2007 ICHS Ⅰ. The status of construction □ Hydrogen stations (present 5) construction construction (under construction inclusive) (under construction inclusive) planned (until 2008) planned (until 2008) : The Metropolitan Area : Wind power plant complex with Electrolysis type with Electrolysis type : Southern area Truck-in type Naptha Reforming Compressed Gas LPG Reforming Natural Gas Reforming Seoul Incheon Yongin Daejeon Yosu Ulsan Cheju
2007 ICHS Ⅰ. The status of construction □ KIER H 2 station (Compressed Hydrogen Delivery) (Compressed Hydrogen Delivery) □ Yonsei University H 2 station (Naptha Reforming) (Naptha Reforming) hydrogenStation size type supply FCV Nm 3 /hr→200 Nm 3 /hr or over ON-SITE Use of Electrolysis type Pipeline hydrogen application motorcar 3,200 /bus200 1,500,000 3,000,000 9,000, ,000
2007 ICHS Ⅰ. A policy of hydrogen stations in Korea □ Concentrated on fuelcell technology development and supply and supply □ Should accomplish hydrogen safety research □ Should prepare hydrogen standards and risk assessment guidelines for installing hydrogen facilities □ Barriers The Public recognize that hydrogen is dangerous materials NGO oppose to construct H 2 stations The absence of standards for hydrogen facilities
2007 ICHS Ⅰ. CNG station accident CNG Station accident Date : Loss of property These accidents took place just after filling the cylinder and cylinder were ruptured.
2007 ICHS Ⅰ. LPG station accident LPG Station explosion accident Date : Casualties : death 1 injured 83 Breakaway from the tank lorry during gas filling
2007 ICHS 『 Hydrogen·Fuelcell safety 』 Research Hydrogen fueling station standards FCV fueling supply system standards Fuelcell standards for manufacture and installation Standards Development Legislation for Hydrogen safety code ~ ~ Ⅰ. Hydrogen safety standards in Korea
Ⅱ. Simulator Development
2007 ICHS Ⅱ. Background □ A part of □ A part of 『 Hydrogen·Fuelcell safety 』 Research □ The 1 st simulator development finished □ The 2 nd step will be started from to □ The 3 rd step will be started from to □ It will be accomplished as results of this project and will be open to public and will be open to public
2007 ICHS Ⅱ. Objectives □ Virtual reality of 4 type H 2 stations constructed in Korea □ User navigate freely through the H 2 stations and experience station operation □ Detailed 3D Modeling for major equipments in the station □ Freely Select the equipments and magnifying·rotating· reducing in 3-D □ Accident Prediction by accidents scenario modeling in H 2 stations Reduce a feeling of insecurity for H 2 Application for training and publicity work Reduce a feeling of insecurity for H 2 Application for training and publicity work
2007 ICHS Ⅱ. Overview H 2 energy information Virtual Reality Experience H 2 Station information Accident simulation
2007 ICHS Ⅱ. Virtual Reality Modules First Screen Virtual Reality Execution Screen and Menu Explanation □ Major Equipments in H 2 station Detailed 3D modeling for Station Equipments like H 2 production equipment, compressor, H 2 storage, dispenser
2007 ICHS Ⅱ. Natural Gas Reforming Type Process Flow viewing from H2 production process to fueling Move to select process by clicking Detailed explanation about selected equipments and process select the equipment and freely rotate, magnify, reduce event
2007 ICHS Ⅱ. LPG Reforming Type A LPG reforming type station view and dispenser A LPG Tank lorry fuel transmission facility Construction in SK Research Center
2007 ICHS Ⅱ. Naptha Reforming Type H 2 producing type by reforming conveyed liquid Naptha Expected to be completed by next week The only H 2 station in Seoul H 2 station
2007 ICHS Ⅱ. Compressed H 2 delivery type conveyed H 2 to the station by tube trailer is stored at compressed cylinder of 492kg/ ㎠ Fueled to FCV as 350kg/ ㎠ pressure Consisted of tube trailer, compressor, dispenser User can navigate in the station and rotate by selecting equipment The first H 2 station in Korea Now operating from 2006
2007 ICHS Ⅱ. Object View Control Rendering mode about major equipments Basic rendering transparency wire frame mode Wire-frame mode that user can easily understand composition of equipments by expressing the frame Transparency mode that view the inside by expressing equipments transparently
2007 ICHS □ Choose the possible 20 accidents scenarios in the station □ Simulation accident scenario by applying ANSYS company’s CFX Program □ The CFD results applied Visual Reality technology Ⅱ. Accident Scenario □ Example Scenario H 2 release during fueling by the dispenser damage (in case the wind doesn’t blow) After 0.1 sec After 0.5 sec After 0.4 sec
2007 ICHS Ⅱ. Supplementation □ Limits in the accident simulation by applying CFX □ Execute the Dynamic Simulation by using FLACS □ FLACS program enable to simulate explosion and fire in the H 2 station
2007 ICHS □ Application Program The Use of EON reality company EON Studio(version 5.5) □ Use the EON Studio on the web application Ⅱ. Program Configuration and management manager System operator server user internet client
Ⅲ. Conclusions
2007 ICHS Ⅲ. Conclusions □ User can experience the operation of a H 2 stations □ Safety training and publicity about H 2 station to public □ Reduce the feel of insecurity of H 2 safety □ Learn the accident’s type and emergency response plans from a scenario simulation □ Application to prepare standards of the H 2 station
Ⅳ. Future Plans
2007 ICHS Ⅳ. Future Plans □ Construct virtual reality modules of H 2 stations abroad The type that does not constructed in Korea □ Development of H 2 safety training content modules Materials related to H 2 energy □ The modules of standards and regulations related to H 2 safety Materials from all countries of the world
2007 ICHS