Network & Computer Security Training
Prevents unauthorized access to our network and your computer Helps keep unwanted viruses and malware from entering our system Protects confidential and critical data Protects limited network resources
Never share your username/password Never let anyone use your computer with you signed on Never write your password on anything and leave near your computer (sticky note ) Never leave your computer unattended without locking it
Change your password on a regular basis Lock your computer when you step away
Whenever you leave your computer, if only for a moment, lock it by pressing Alt, Ctrl, & Delete. Then press the Enter key. When you return, enter your password to unlock it. This is more secure and easier than logging off and takes only seconds. When you lock your computer all your running programs continue to run. When you unlock it, you can pick up right where you left off.
Press Alt Ctrl Delete – Then press Enter
Type in your password – Then press Enter
Must be at least 8 characters in length Must have a combination of upper and lower case letters Must have numbers or symbols Must be changed every 180 days Cannot reuse old passwords 3 incorrect attempts to logon will lock your account for 15 minutes
Press Atl Ctrl Del – Select change password…
Many viruses/malware enter network systems through . Infected attachments, links to bad sites, and other methods are used. A good rule of thumb is, if you don’t know for sure what it is, don’t open it. Banks and other institutions will never ask you to provide them with account information through .
Never respond to an with critical confidential information such as your bank account numbers, social security number, account passwords, or any information you normally wouldn’t share with anyone. This is a method used to steal someone’s identity. Some of these s are very professional looking with proper logos and other information that would make you believe it is a legitimate .
It is very easy to copy and paste logos and other information into an to make it look legitimate. Don’t be fooled. If you’re not sure, call your bank and ask. Better to be safe than sorry. Do a Google search using the subject line. Many scams are already documented and well written about. Is it real, is it fake? Google usually knows!