Team Name Conceptual Design Review Team Members Date Fall 2010 Rev A 08-23-10.


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Presentation transcript:

Team Name Conceptual Design Review Team Members Date Fall 2010 Rev A

User notes –You may reformat to fit your design but make sure you cover the following order of the slide outline –You may want to finish your proposal first since it will help complete your presentation. –This template is the barebones of what is needed. –Each team will have 5 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions from Chris

Mission Overview (spend a lot of time here) –WHAT is your objective –WHAT do you expect to prove and/or discover –Answer the question, WHY are you doing this mission?

Design –The question of “HOW are you going to complete your mission?” should be answered with these slides –Drawings, should be visible, dimensioned, and labeled –Parts –Functional block diagram (should make sense logically)

Management –Org Chart –Schedule

Budget –Weight –Money

Biggest Worries… –Describe your team’s biggest worries with your mission, design, etc.