Connective Tissue 9/14/2009
#29 Small Intestine
Collagen fibers and fibroblasts Fibroblasts Collagen fibers
#29 – Intestinal Villi Lamina propria
Lamina propria (Loose conn. tissue)
#20 or #40 Trachea Tracheal ring - cartilage
Plasma cells
Eccentrically located nucleus Cartwheel appearance of nucleus Basophilic cytoplasm Egg-shaped cell with clear outline
#26 lymph node
Macrophages Kidney bean shaped nucleus (indented) Eosinophilic cytoplasm with bubbly appearance Ingested materials in the cytoplasm Fuzzy cell border (outline)
Macrophage Plasma Cell
#152 Pharynx - fat cells -Unilocular adipose tissue -displaced flattened nuclei
Slide H2 Brown Fat -Multilocular adipose tissue -Spherical nuclei
#160 Mast cells
#160 Mast cell
#27 Lymph node stained with H & E – Reticular connective tissue
#28 Lymph node stained with silver – Reticular connective tissue
Dense irregular CT in the dermis Skin #106 or #112 Dermis
#33 Dermis of skin (aldehyde Fuchsin stain) Dense irregular connective tissue with elastic fibers
Elastic Fibers in dense irregular CT - slide 33 (Verhoeff stain)
#250 Vagina ( Dense irregular CT) H & E Trichrome
Skeletal muscle Dense regular CT (tendon) Dense regular CT #112 (or #106) Musculo-tendon junction
#34 Tendon (Dense regular connective tissue)
#34 Tendon (X-section)
Slide #36, aorta, aldehyde fuchsinSlide 88, aorta. H & E Elastic connective tissue