1 Engineering and You!
2 What is Engineering? Are you confused when you hear the word Engineer? What exactly does an engineer look like? What do Engineers…do?
3 What does an Engineer Look Like? Is this an Engineer?
4 Are these Engineers???
5 What about him? Is he an Engineer?
6 Still Confused?!?
7 Engineers Are Individuals Who Combine… Mathematics Science Economics …to solve technical problems facing society. highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/ /student_view0/glossary.html
8 Engineers have a creative hand in almost everything we can… See Touch Wear Eat Hear /
9 Engineers Use a Flexible Design Process to Solve Everyday Problems
10 Engineers Adhere to Professional Ethics to Help Keep Society Safe Civil Engineer
11 Engineers… …help explore the universe Aerospace Engineer
12 Engineers… …help people stay healthy Biomedical Engineer
13 Engineers… …protect the planet Environmental Engineer
14 Engineers… …connect the world Computer/ Software Engineer
15 Engineers can be anyone!
16 Including… …You and Me! Created by: Jason F. Lopez, 2005