2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e Lépidémiologie du VIH en Afrique Un exemple dépidémie généralisée
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e HIV prevalence (%) in adults (15–49) in Africa,
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e HIV prevalence (%) among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in sub-Saharan Africa, 1997–2007 NOTE: Analysis restricted to consistent surveillance sites for all countries except South Africa (by province) and Swaziland (by region) Southern Africa Median HIV prevalence (%) 50 Botswana Lesotho Mozambique Namibia South Africa Swaziland Zimbabwe 1997– – West Africa Median HIV prevalence (%) Median HIV prevalence (%) Eastern Africa 1997– – – – Ethiopia Kenya Burkina Faso Côte d'Ivoire Ghana Senegal 2.9 Source: National surveillance reports and UNAIDS/WHO/UNICEF, Epidemiological Fact Sheets on HIV and AIDS. July 2008.
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e HIV prevalence (%) among 15–24 years old, by sex, selected countries, 2005– % HIV prevalence Swaziland South Africa Zimbabwe Central African Republic Côte d'Ivoire Sierra Leone Rwanda Haiti Guinea Ethiopia Benin DR Congo Niger Senegal Cambodia India Uganda Chad Dominican Republic Mali Female Male 2.10 Source: Demographic and Health Surveys and other national population-based surveys with HIV testing.
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e Changes in population structure: Ghana and Lesotho 2.12 Source: Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision,
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e Estimated number of children under 18 orphaned by AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa (1990–2007) 6.2 Source: UNAIDS/WHO unpublished estimates, Millions
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e Relationship between tuberculosis notification rate and HIV prevalence in Zimbabwe, 1990– Source: WHO Global TB control report 2008 (WHO, 2008a); UNAIDS HIV prevalence estimates TB notification rate (per population) % HIV prevalence in all ages TB notification rate (new and relapse), rate per population HIV prevalence in all (%)
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e Intérêt de la modélisation pour évaluer limpact des programmes Integrating HIV Prevention and Treatment: From Slogans to Impact Joshua A Salomon,1* Daniel R Hogan,1 John Stover,2 Karen A Stanecki,3 Neff Walker,3,4 Peter D Ghys, 3 and Bernhard Schwartländer5 1Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, Department of Population and International Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America 2The Futures Group International, Glastonbury, Connecticut, United States of America 3Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland 4United Nations Children's Fund, New York, New York, United States of America 5Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, Geneva, Switzerland Joep Lange, Academic Editor University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e Impact of three scenarios on HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa, 2003– Year Treatment-centered Prevention-centered Baseline Comprehensive response Number of new HIV infections (millions) Source: Salomon JA et al. (2005). Integrating HIV prevention and treatment: from slogans to impact 6.1
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e Impact of AIDS-related deaths in sub-Saharan Africa, 2003– Year Treatment-centered Prevention-centered Baseline Comprehensive response Number of AIDS- related deaths (millions) Source: Salomon JA et al. (2005). Integrating HIV prevention and treatment: from slogans to impact 6.2
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e HIV prevalence (%) in adults (15–49) in Middle East and North Africa,
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e Lépidémiologie du VIH en Asie
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e HIV prevalence (%) in adults (15–49) in Asia,
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e 2004 <5% High Risk Group > 5% High Risk Group >1%Antenatal Women 8 M HIV+ I M new Infections 0.5 M deaths
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e HIV prevalence (%) trends in India among injecting drug users and pregnant women, selected areas, India, 1998–2004* Antenatal Clinic attendees Antenatal clinic attendees Injecting drug users % % % Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Madhya Pradesh Mizoram Uttar Prahesh West Bengal Delhi Mizoram West Bengal 2.9 *Data from consistent surveillance sites only.
2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic 06/06 e HIV prevalence trends among pregnant women in major cities in Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand, 1990–2004 Phnom PenhMandalay and YangonBangkok Sources: Cambodia National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STDs (Phnom Penh); Myanmar Ministry of Health (Mandalay and Yangon); Thailand Ministry of Public Health (Bangkok), % HIV prevalence 2.10