Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-1 EE 5301 – VLSI Design Automation I Kia Bazargan University of Minnesota Part V: Placement
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-2 References and Copyright Textbooks referred (none required) [Mic94] G. De Micheli “Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits” McGraw-Hill, [CLR90] T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest “Introduction to Algorithms” MIT Press, [Sar96] M. Sarrafzadeh, C. K. Wong “An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design” McGraw-Hill, [She99] N. Sherwani “Algorithms For VLSI Physical Design Automation” Kluwer Academic Publishers, 3 rd edition, 1999.
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-3 References and Copyright (cont.) Slides used: (Modified by Kia when necessary) [©Sarrafzadeh] © Majid Sarrafzadeh, UCLA [©Sherwani] © Naveed A. Sherwani, 1992 (companion slides to [She99]) [©Keutzer] © Kurt Keutzer, UC-Berekeley [©Gupta] © Rajesh Gupta, UC-Irvine [©Kang] © Steve Kang, UIUC [©He] © Lei He, UCLA (ack on Lei’s slides: Thanks to Chis Chu, Jason Cong, Paul Villarubia and David Pan for contributions to slides)
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-4 Placement Problem Given a netlist, and fixed-shape cells (small, standard cell), find the exact location of the cells to minimize area and wire-length Consistent with the standard-cell design methodology oRow-based, no hard-macros Modules: oUsually fixed, equal height (exception: double height cells) oSome fixed (I/O pads) oConnected by edges or hyperedges Objectives Cost components: area, wire length oAdditional cost components: timing, congestion
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-5 Placement Cost Components Area Would like to pack all the modules very tightly Wire length (half-perimeter of the hnet bbox) Minimize average wire length Would result in tight packing of modules with high connectivity Overlap Could be prohibited by the moves, or used as penalty Keep the cells from overlapping (moves cells apart) Timing Not a 1-1 correspondence with wire length minimization, but consistent on average Congestion Measure of routability Tends to move cells apart
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-6 Importance of Placement Placement: fundamental problem in physical design Glue of the physical synthesis Became very active again in recent years: 9 new academic placers for WL min. since 2000 Many other publications to handle timing, routability, etc. Reasons: Serious interconnect issues (delay, routability, noise) in deep-submicron design oPlacement determines interconnect to the first order oNeed placement information even in early design stages (e.g., logic synthesis) oNeed to have a good placement solution Placement problem becomes significantly larger Cong et al. [ASPDAC-03, ISPD-03, ICCAD-03] point out that existing placers are far from optimal, not scalable, and not stable [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-7 Placement can Make A Difference MCNC Benchmark circuit e64 (contains LUT). Placed to a FPGA. Random Initial Placement Final Placement After Detailed Routing [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-8 Design Types ASICs Lots of fixed I/Os, few macros, millions of standard cells Placement densities : 40-80% (IBM) Flat and hierarchical designs SoCs Many more macro blocks, cores Datapaths + control logic Can have very low placement densities : < 20% Micro-Processor ( P) Random Logic Macros(RLM) Hierarchical partitions are placement instances (5-30K) High placement densities : 80%-98% (low whitespace) Many fixed I/Os, relatively few standard cells Recall “Partitioning w Terminals” DAC`99, ISPD `99, ASPDAC`00 [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-9 Requirements for Placers Must handle 4-10M cells, 1000s macros 64 bits + near-linear asymptotic complexity Scalable/compact design database (OpenAccess) Accept fixed ports/pads/pins + fixed cells Place macros, esp. with var. aspect ratios Non-trivial heights and widths (e.g., height=2rows) Honor targets and limits for net length Respect floorplan constraints Handle a wide range of placement densities (from <25% to 100% occupied), ICCAD `02 [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-10 Placement Footprints: Standard Cell: Data Path: IP - Floorplanning [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-11 Core Control IO Reserved areas Mixed Data Path & sea of gates: Placement Footprints: [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-12 Perimeter IO Area IO Placement Footprints: [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-13 Unconstrained Placement [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-14 Floor planned Placement [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-15 VLSI Global Placement Examples bad placement good placement [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-16 Placement Algorithms Top-Down Partitioning-based placement Recursive bi-partitioning or quadrisection oCut direction? oPartition vs. physical location Iterative Simulated annealing OR: Force directed Start with an initial placement, iteratively improve wire-length / area Constructive Start with a few cells in the center, and place highly connected adjacent modules around them 1 2 B A D B F A C G L H
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-17 Simulated Annealing Placement Cost Area (usually fixed # of rows, variable row width) Wirelength (Euclidian or Manhattan) Cell overlap (penalty increases with temperature) Moves Exchange two cells within a radius R (R temperature dependent?) Displace a cell within a row Flip a cell horizontally Low vs. High temperature If used as a post processing, start with low-temp Post-processing? Might be needed if there are still overlaps
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-18 Case Study: TimberWolf “The Timberwolf Placement and Routing Package”, Sechen, Sangiovanni; IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol SC-20, No. 2(1985) “Timber wolf 3.2: A New Standard Cell Placement and Global Routing Package” Sechen, Sangiovanni, 23rd DAC, 1986, Timber wolf Stage 1 Modules are moved between different rows as well as within the same row modules overlaps are allowed when the temperature is reduced below a certain value, stage 2 begins Stage 2 Remove overlaps Annealing process continues, but only interchanges adjacent modules within the same row [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-19 Solution Space All possible arrangements of modules into rows possibly with overlaps overlaps [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-20 Neighboring Solutions M3: Change the orientation of a module Axis of reflections M1: Displace a module to a new location M2: Interchange two modules.. Three types of moves: [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-21 Move Selection Timber wolf first try to select a move betwee M1 and M2 oProb(M1)=4/5 oProb(M2)=1/5 If a move of type M1 is chosen (for certain module) and it is rejected, then a move of type M3 (for the same module) will be chosen with probability 1/10 Restriction on: How far a module can be displaced What pairs of modules can be interchanged M1: Displacement M2: Interchange M3: Reflection [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-22 Move Restriction Range Limiter At the beginning, R is very large, big enough to contain the whole chip Window size shrinks slowly as the temperature decreases. In fact, height and width of R log(T) Stage 2 begins when window size are so small that no inter-row modules interchanges are possible Rectangular window R [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-23 Cost Function Cost = C 1 +C 2 +C 3 C 1 = (a i w i + b i h i ) a i, b i are horizontal and vertical weights, respectively a i =1, b i =1 1/2 perimeter of bounding box Critical nets: Increase both a i and b i Double metal technology: Over-the-cell routing is possible. Fewer feed through cells are needed vertical wirings are “cheaper” than horizontal wirings. use smaller vertical weights i.e. b i < a i net i hihi wiwi [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-24 Cost Function (Cont’d) C 2 : Penalty function for module overlaps O(i,j) = amount of overlaps in the X-dimension between modules i and j — offset parameter to ensure C 2 0 when T 0 ji jiOC 2 2 ),( C 3 : Penalty function that controls the row lengths Desired row length = d( r ) l ( r ) = sum of the widths of the modules in row r r rdrlC)()( 3 [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-25 Annealing Schedule T k = r(k)T k-1 k= 1, 2, 3, …. r(k) increase from 0.8 to max value 0.94 and then decrease to 0.1 At each temperature, a total number of Kn attempts is made n= number of modules K= user specified constant [© He]
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-26 Force-Directed Placement Model Wires simulated as springs (if the only force, what will happen?) Force ij = Weight ij x distance ij. Cell sizes as repellant forces [Eisenmann, DAC’98]: “vacant” regions work as “attracting” forces “overcrowded” regions work as “repelling” forces Algorithm Solve a set of linear equations to find an intermediate solution (module locations) Repeat the process until equilibrium
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-27 Force-Directed Placement (cont.) Model (details): Cell distances: either OR: Forces: Objective: find x,y coordinates for all cells such that total force exerted on each cell is zero.
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-28 Force-Directed Placement (cont.) Avoiding overlaps or collapsing in one point? Use fixed boundary I/O cells Use repelling force between cells that are not connected by a net Do not allow a move that results in overlap Use repelling “field” forces from congested areas to sparse ones [Eisenmann, DAC’98] Problems with force directed: Overlap still might occur (cell sizes model artificially) Flat design, not hierarchy
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-29 Partitioning-based Placement Simultaneously perform: Circuit partitioning Chip area partitioning Assign circuit partitions to chip slots Problem: Circuit partitioning unaware of the physical location Solution: Terminal propagation (add dummy terminals) A B A B A B [She99] p.239 AB
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-30 Partitioning-based Placement More problems: Direction of the cut? [Yildiz, DAC’01] How to handle fixed blocks? (area assigned to a partition might not be enough) How to correct a bad decision made at a higher level? Advantages: Hierarchical, scalable Inherently apt for congestion minimization, easily extendable to timing optimization (a) (b) (c) 12 3 (d)
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-31 To Probe Further... W. C. Elmore, “The transient analysis of damped linear networks with particular regard to wideband amplifiers“, Jour. of Applied Physics, vol. 19, no. 1, pp , (interconnect delay modeling) Hans Eisenmann and Frank M. Johannes “Generic Global Placement and Floorplanning”, Design Automation Conference (DAC), pp , (force directed method) Maogang Wang, Xiaojian Yang and Majid Sarrafzadeh “Dragon2000: Standard-Cell Placement Tool for Large Industry Circuits”, International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp , (partitioning-based placement) Dennis J.-H. Huang and Andrew B. Kahng “Partitioning-based Standard-cell Global Placement With An Exact Objective”, International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD), pp , (quadrisection-based placement)
Fall 2006EE VLSI Design Automation I V-32 To Probe Further... Xiaojian Yang, Elaheh Bozorgzadeh and Majid Sarrafzadeh, “Wirelength Estimation based on Rent Exponents of Partitioning and Placement”, System Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP), pp , A. R. Agnihotri, S. Ono, C. Li, M. C. Yildiz, A. Khatkhate, C.-K. Koh, and P. H. Madden, "Mixed Block Placement via Fractional Cut Recursive Bisection”, IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design, Vol 24, No. 5, pages , May (partitioning-based placement) Chandra Mulpuri and Scott Hauck “Runtime and Quality Tradeoffs in FPGA Placement and Routing”, International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), pp , (placement and routing quality/speed trade-off)