Putting it all Together Turnbaugh, Jurmain, Kilgore, and Nelson, 8th ed., p. 254.
Hominids Family Hominids (Hominidae) Genus Australopithecus... Paranthropus... Homo...
Hominids Family Hominids (Hominidae) Genus Australopithecus... Paranthropus... Homo... Subfamily ^
Hominids Australopithecines Genus Australopithecus... Paranthropus... Homo... Hominines
Taxonomy and lumpers don’t forget about splitters
Campbell – Loy, Humankind Emerging, 7 th ed., p. 236
Problem: Species and the problem of what is a species
Humankind Emerging, 7 th edition, p. 418 A B X Z N C
Problem: Species and the range of variation
The Guiness Book of Records ”The Most Dissimilar Couple in the World” Wife: 2’ 11½” Husband: 6’ 2” They met on the internet -- The Maury Show, 27 April 1999
"Commodore" NuttPhineas T. Barnum
Problem: Interpretation problem: interpretation
Turnbaugh, Jurmain, Kilgore, and Nelson, 8th ed., p. 254.
Humankind Emerging, 7th edition, p. 259 Orrorin “robust” Australopithecus “gracile” Australopithecus Homo line
Humankind Emerging, 7th edition, p. 259
Problem: Gaps problems –gaps in the record –site overlap
Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 9th ed., p. 215
Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 8th ed., p. 246
Misc. Notes conventions for presentation of fossils discovered
Misc. Notes artists’ reconstructions
In the Laboratory Petrologists (rocks, minerals) Pedologists (soils) Geophysicists / Geochemists Palynologists (pollen analysis) Muscle Reconstruction Specialists
The Emergence of Humankind (4th ed). (Harper & Row, 1985), p. 149 Three stages in a reconstruction of a Neandertal male.
Sept. 30, 2002