Co-Directors: Yigal Arens USC / Information Sciences Institute Judith Klavans Columbia University
2 Why a Center? Direction Coordination Visibility Sustainability
3 DGRC Technical Goals Conduct and support research in key areas of information systems Develop standards/interfaces Develop infrastructure Build pilot systems Collaborate closely with government information providers and users
4 Time Today DGRC Development Plans Seeding by CU and ISI ~$1M/yr initially from DG Program Six PI’s (8%), 1 p/t programmer, 3 students Additional projects funded by BLS, EIA ~$3M/yr funding with incorporation of additional or separately funded efforts ~$5M/yr total will provide for significant impact on government systems Expand government applications as funding develops
5 The Magazine of Digital Government Research DGRC Community Building NSF-sponsored DG workshop and conferences (2000, 2001, 2002) Expanded PI workshop, now conferences Collaboration workspace In the process of being expanded Newsletter:
6 Initial Technical Core with Additions DGRC Growth NSF Phase I ISI CU NSF Phase II EIA BLS SGER Transportation SGER Privacy
7 DGRC Composition Initially, primarily computer scientists User interfaces, information integration, databases, natural language processing, information security, data mining, … Recently also Human factors, cognitive psychology Soon to include: Social sciences
8 Computer Science Librarians Psychologists Social Scientists Business School and so on DGRC Growth NSF Phase I ISI CU NSF Phase II EIA BLS SGER Transportation SGER Privacy
9 DGRC - Center Goals Direction - pursue a common direction across disciplines Coordination - work with a range of institutions (.edu,.gov,.com,.org) Visibility - across sites and disciplines Sustainability
10 For More Information Visit Read DG Online newsletter Ask for report of first year’s dg.o2000 digital government workshop Request report of last year’s dg.o2001 when it comes out Look for next year’s dg.o2002