Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Mapping of potential habitats for vectors of African Tick Bite Fever (ATBF) in the Maasai.


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Presentation transcript:

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Mapping of potential habitats for vectors of African Tick Bite Fever (ATBF) in the Maasai Mara region of Kenya 1 C. Tungwony, 2 M. Sardelis, 1 S. Kasili, 1 V. Sherwood, 1 J Indiazi, 1 S. Kelempu, 3 A. Anyamba, 4 A. Azad, 4 K. Macaluso 1 U.S. Army Medical Research Unit – Kenya 2 Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences 3 NASA 4 University of Maryland

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium  African Tick Bite Fever (ATBF) is a spotted fever caused by Rickettsiae africae and vectored by ticks  Rickettsiae africae was first reported in ticks in Maasai Mara, in 2003, following fatal tourist case  Maasai Mara is a national game reserve and popular tourist destination  Maasai Mara is characterized by diverse vegetation  GIS employed to help identify prevalent tick habitat Introduction

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium  The Maasai Mara Game Reserve and adjacent Conservation area totals 750 square miles  It is 2000m ( 5,200 ft) above the sea level  Inhabited by the Maasai community (livestock keepers)  It is characterized by shrubby grassland and riverine forest Study Area: People and Vegetation Maasai Mara National Game Reserve

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Study Area: Rainfall and Temperature

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium  Six Different vegetation types selected for tick collection  50 collection sites  GPS recorded locations of each collection site  Three collections: April, September, December (2002)  Collection methods: drags and picking off animals Tick Collection

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Sept 2002Apr LANDSAT images (Enhanced Thematic Mapper, Satellite 7) from USGS Vegetation Classification – 3 Steps

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium 2. Image processing - Export to Idrisi 32 - Georeference - Subset - Natural Color composite - Overlay GPS points April Vegetation Classification – 3 Steps

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium 3. Supervised Classification (Maximum Likelihood) used to identify land cover types September Vegetation Classification – 3 Steps April

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium 3. Supervised Classification (Maximum Likelihood) used to identify land cover types September Vegetation Classification – 3 Steps April

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Vegetation Classes

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Vegetation Classes

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Results: April

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Results: September

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Results: December

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Results: Combined

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium  Adult ticks were only collected in December and were Observed at all other habitats. Summary of locations and life stages.  Ticks collected in all habitat types except Grazed grass  For habitats positive for ticks larvae was likely to be Encountered in other habitats.  Fewer Nymphs were collected compared to Larvae in all habitats Summary

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Density: Cattle, Goat and Sheep

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Vegetation Index High index values characterizes dense vegetation April September

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Conclusion  GIS can help visualize risk areas and, with identification of tick populations, map areas for control programs  Identify spatial and temporal relationships important in disease transmission  Model risk of contracting vector borne diseases  The study has indicated that this area is rich ground for further studies of ATBF

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium Tanser, F.C; and Le Sueur, D. (2002) The application of geographical information systems to important public health problems in Africa. International journal of health geographics. Available from; Lobitz, B. et al (1999) Climate and Infectious diseases: Use of remote sensing for detection of vibrio cholerae by indirect measurement. John Hopkins University Anno, S. et al (2000) Analysis of relationship between Anopheles subpictus larval densities and environmental parameters using remote sensing (RS), a global positioning system (GPS) and geographic information system (GIS). Kobe J. Med. Sci. 46, 231/243. Macaluso, K.R. et al (2003) Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae in ticks from the Maasai Mara Region of Kenya. The society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Am J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 68(5), 2003, PP Rutherford, S.J. et al (2002) Spotted fever rickettsioses in Kenya (un published data) References

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium  Kenya Medical Research Institute  Mara Safari Club  Kenya Meteorological Department  International Livestock Research Institute  U.S. Geological Survey  Assaf Anyamba & Ed: GSFC - NASA Acknowledgements

Jacksonville, FL 9 – 12th February 2004 Triennial GIS Symposium