1 Hunting for the Higgs at LHC Konstantin Goulianos RU HOL FORUM October 6, 2011 The key to mass?
2 M g = 0 M W, Z ~100 m p M top ~M gold About the Higgs The Standard Model (SM) (Glashow, Salam and Weinberg – 1979 Nobel prize) In the SM all particles have zero mass The Higgs field is needed to renormalize the theory “generates” mass – but not its own mass Symmetry: SU3XSU2XU1 H WS SM u d u M w and M Z
3 Higgs mechanism solves mass hierarchy problem Higgs:renormalizes the theory (removes infinities) one neutral Higgs boson “generates” the quark masses by coupling to quarks ~ mass.
4 M g = 0 M W, Z ~100 m p M top ~M gold The SM & RU Fermilab 1995 CERN 1970s BNL 1962 (my PhD thesis at Columbia) BNL 1981 p p evidence for Z Evidence for quarks Z discovered at CERN in 1983 predict charm in 1979 – Glashaw, Iliopoulos (RU), Miani H What are we doing now in the search for the Higgs?
5 -particles Source Rutherford Experiment Large angle scattering atoms have nuclei Particle accelerators 27 km tunnel 7 TeV4 mile (6.4 km) tunnel 2 TeV 1910 Fermilab Tevatron 1985LHC 2010 CDF D0
6 T. Virdee, ICHEP08 6 The Larhe Hadron Collider Lake Geneva Large Hadron Collider 27 km circumference Large Hadron Collider 27 km circumference CMS ATLAS LHCb ALICE CERN ATLAS
7 Collisions at LHC search down to 1 part in 10 13
8 H H H bb (displaced vertex) H W + W - H Z 0 Z 0 (Z 0 e+e - / ) e e Higgs searches at CMS - I H ZZ leplon let
9 Higgs searches at CMS -II
10 Super-symmetry (SUSY) The SM is not stable at high energies because of loop corrections SUSY renormalizes the SM by introducing opposite sign contributions The lightest SUSY particle (LSP) escapes detection candidate for dark matter …but what about dark energy???
11 Exclusive Higgs Production H POMERONPOMERON Phys. Rev. D 77, beam p’ roman pots dipole beam p+pp'+H+p'p+pp'+H+p' H
12 Higgs discovery limits Tevatron range With 5fb-1 & combination of CMS+ATLAS data the SM Higgs exclusion reach is in the range140<M H <600GeV The non-discovery of the SM Higgs will be an even bigger discovery!
13 The Lab Anwar Luc Stefano Michele Mary Koji Christina Andrea Ken HOL talk in (student) Robert Jim Sarah Vadim and Joe (machine shop)
14 Backup
15 Accelerator and CR experiments M 2 12 ~ 7.9x10 -5 eV 2. From cosmology: CMB and large scale structure experiments Σ =0.03<m1+m2+m3.<0.05eV Neutrino mass hierarchy problem
16 OPERA - 1
17 OPERA – 2
18 The CDF
19 Threading the MiniPlug fibers About 1500 wavelength shifting fibers of 1 mm dia. are ‘strung’ through holes drilled in 36x¼” lead plates sandwiched between reflective Al sheets and guided into bunches to be viewed individually by multi-channel photomultipliers.
20 History of the Universe
21 Blow-hole at Grand Cayman
22 p-p Interactions Diffractive: Colorless exchange with vacuum quantum numbers Non-diffractive: Color-exchange Incident hadrons retain their quantum numbers remaining colorless pseudo- DECONFINEMENT Incident hadrons acquire color and break apart CONFINEMENT POMERONPOMERON Goal: understand the QCD nature of the diffractive exchange rapidity gap
23 Dark Energy P( y) is exponentially suppressed Rapidity gaps are formed by multiplicity fluctuations: Non-diffractive interactions Rapidity gaps at t=0 grow with y: Diffractive interactions 2 : negative particle density! Gravitational repulsion ?
24 Grant Unification