Basic Orbital Mechanics Dr. Andrew Ketsdever MAE 5595
Conic Sections EccentricityConic = 0Circle 0 - 1Ellipse = 1Parabola > 1Hyperbola
Elliptical Orbit Geometry
Conic Sections
Classical Orbital Elements Semi-Major Axis, a –Size Eccentricity, e –Shape Kepler’s 3 rd Law
Classical Orbital Elements Inclination –Tilt InclinationOrbit = 90ºPolar 0º or 180ºEquatorial 0º - 90ºPrograde 90º - 180ºRetrograde
Classical Orbital Elements Right Ascension of the Ascending Node (RAAN)
Classical Orbital Elements Argument of Perigee
Classical Orbital Elements True Anomaly
Computing COEs From a R and V vector –Can compute the 6 COEs –Also works in reverse (given COEs compute R and V) –Example:
COEs a = km e = i = 90º = 270º = 90º = 0º Mission: Probably remote sensing or a spy satellite because it’s in a low, polar orbit.
Ground Tracks Ground Track Slides Courtesy of Major David French
COE Determination Semimajor axis Δ longitude ΔNΔN P = ΔN 15º / hr
COE Determination Eccentricity
COE Determination Inclination i = highest latitude
COE Determination Argument of Perigee ω = 90º
COE Determination True Anomaly
Orbit Examples
e = 0 i = 0 Geosynchronous e = 0.4 = 180 e = 0.6 = 90
Orbit Prediction Kepler’s Problem –If we know where a satellite (or planet) is today, where in its orbit will it be tomorrow? –Kepler devised a series of mathematical expressions to solve this particular problem Eccentric Anomaly Mean Anomaly True Anomaly II. The line joining the planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times as the planet travels around the ellipse.
Orbit Prediction Kepler defined the Eccentric Anomaly to relate elliptical motion to circular motion He also defined Mean Anomaly to make the circular motion constant Convert unsteady elliptical motion into unsteady circular motion into steady circular motion…
Orbit Prediction
Orbital Prediction Given a = 7000 km e = 0.05 = 270º Find the time of flight to final = 50º
Orbital Prediction n = rad/sec E initial = º E future = 47.84º M initial = º M future = 45.72º TOF = sec or min