Endcap Trigger Emulation Xin Wang
2 FEE DSM0 DSM1 DSM2 720 towers 90 trigger patches 12 ‘half’ jet patches 0.3x1 or 0.6x1 2 endcap halves Raw ADC from DAQ file To last DSM board Processing of ADC to L0 trigger decision 6 channels from BARREL, each with 5-bit Esum
Endcap structure: towers -> trigger patches ->half jet patches - >endcap halves
4 FEE HT 6-bit Emulated from ADC Real trigger data Emu-Real difference 3% mismatch
5 FEE TP 6-bit Emu-Real difference Emulated from ADC Real trigger data mismatch
6 BARRELENDCAP Etotal (B+E) Barrel Endcap Etot (E+B) Etot energy in DSM channels mismatch ~80% ~7% Etot ENERGY calculation from ADC & trig data Trig data ADC emul Trig data ADC emul Trig data ADC emul
7 EmulatedReal data Emu-Real difference Etot BIT calculation from ADC & trig data
8 Conclusion All L0-bits for ENDCAP can be emulated for M-C Code verified against real events for DSM0,1,2 More QA histos developed ported to online (PPlot) Limitation: works for predefined time stamp (range)
10 DSM0
11 DSM1 1 2
12 FEE DSM0 DSM1 DSM2 720 towers, each with 12-bit raw ADC from DAQ file 90 trigger patches, each with 12-bit ADC( 6-bit TP + 6-bit HT) 12 DSM0 channels, each with 16-bit ( 9 or 10-bit TPsum, 2-bit HT, 2-bit TP, 2-bit HTTP) 2 DSM1 channels, each with 16-bit ( 5-bit Esum, 1-bit HTTPthr, 1-bit TPthr, 2-bit JP, 2- bit HT) 6 channels from BARREL, each with 5-bit Esum