Jaap Panman 2003 Software – todo list MOST Analysis tools are ready now However, some small additions are still needed to do a systematic analysis of all.


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Presentation transcript:

Jaap Panman 2003 Software – todo list MOST Analysis tools are ready now However, some small additions are still needed to do a systematic analysis of all data Especially for a high statistics analysis using detector data some updates of the software are needed

Jaap Panman 2003 Netscan chain at CERN C++ Applications DataSTore F77 applications Ecfsal ecvtxa ProcessEvent AnalysisReconstruction ReadAnalysis Objy TT-hits Objy NS-data Objy TT-tracks NagoyaEvent AnalysisEvent Sele hextra, glbhxt Mureco CHANT Fuji Ftra Prvt CHANT ManualScan zbanks Alignment to TT Ngev in Sele ASCII tracks Golden selection Alignmen t Use in readAnalysi s

Jaap Panman 2003 ToDo Port SATO-MURAT charm+golden selection to ProcessEvent WIN version exists, to be ported to linux TT-hits to be interfaced Alignment of TT-hits in netscan frame Persistency of golden selection NetScan MC at CERN has still to be ported to new ecfsal/ecvtxa Make available golden selection in CHANT banks are stored in zebra, but to be connected to SELE: Alignment to TT frame ASCII-tracks in run-cards Alignment Manual scan data base made available to CHANT zebra banks exist, but to be connected to tracks Manual scan database made available in analysisReconstruction Extract all netscan events into FZ MAXI DST If location finished: all located events, else all predicted events makes life easy to load events in database when available Super MAXI DST with all POST-SCAN processing and all netscan tracks loaded matter of processing