Department of Social Planning Province of Flevoland ENSA Uppsala 2007
Youth Care New Youth Act: Province is responsible for all forms of care & one has the right to get the proper (form of) care New Youth Act: Province is responsible for all forms of care & one has the right to get the proper (form of) care Facilities do not meet demand (< 30 %) Facilities do not meet demand (< 30 %) Rapid growth of young population: 1500 a year Rapid growth of young population: 1500 a year Challenge: organising youth care in an efficient and client-orientated way
Main Policy CLIENT-CENTERED ! EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT ! Objectives HELP BASED ON NEEDS OF CLIENT (paradigm shift; contextual; multi dimensional; individual. New ways and visions about the clients’/ families’ central role in deciding which care is needed HELP BASED ON NEEDS OF CLIENT (paradigm shift; contextual; multi dimensional; individual. New ways and visions about the clients’/ families’ central role in deciding which care is needed ) REDUCTION OF WAITINGLISTS REDUCING OUTPLACEMENT IN RESIDENTIAL CARE BETTER BALANCE COSTS & EFFECTS
MEANS RESTRUCTURING THE ORGANIZATION OF YOUTH CARE (Intensive Pedagogical Home Treatment: IPT) EFFICIENT PROCESSES (analyzing major organizational processes) STRENGTHENING THE CHAIN OF YOUTHCARE (up scaling organizations, intersectoral cooperation) GOVERNEMENTAL CONTRACTS; (province, local authorities, education)
Youth Care Office PROVINCIAL Institutions for youth care (Ambulant Foster care Residential) Psych- iatric municipalities Mental disabled judicial IPT SCHOOL WELFARE/ HEALTH POLICE/ JUDICIAL CHILD & PARENTS INTENSIVE HOME CARE MODEL LABOUR
Topics Flevoland connecting partners in youth care; education, police, justice, healthinsurance, local & provincial government connecting partners in youth care; education, police, justice, healthinsurance, local & provincial government Joint up networks : Justice & youth care/ welfare & education. Accountability/ contracts Joint up networks : Justice & youth care/ welfare & education. Accountability/ contracts Instruments/ methods: diagnostics, ICT systems ( electr child dossiers) Instruments/ methods: diagnostics, ICT systems ( electr child dossiers) Youth participation Youth participation