Cal Poly Knowledge Base Gigi Choy Alex Kleissner Eric Litak Frank Vasquez Brandon Wirick
Outline Problem Description Data Collection Results Recommendations Design Process Functionality Modeling Prototyping
Problem Description Create a knowledge base to support the Genius Bar in the Learning Commons Users need quick answers to common technical questions Learn to solve their own problems Reduce the need for geniuses to have to answer the same questions over and over
Problem Description Lack of central resource for technical information on Cal Poly’s webpages Information spread out amongst multiple technical departments No apparent organization of help documents Difficult to find specific answers quickly
Data Collection from Princeton KB Users prefer to type in searches, instead of browsing to find answers Users want alternative search methods when one method doesn’t produce desired results Users prefer full text searches, instead of keyword searches Users don’t like to read through or scroll through lots of text
Data Collection from Princeton KB Users want to be able to restrict a text search to a category Users want short paths to information Users become confused when unrelated links are grouped together Users are more drawn to pages where there is a stark contrast between the text and background
Recommendations - search tools Make search field more prominent Use full text searches, like Google Allow user to search outside the KB Rate individual search results according to how useful they are Provide categories and FAQs
Recommendations - navigation Keep unrelated links separate Provide frequently used links on every page Add a hyperlinked index of subsections at the top of long articles Highlight search Keywords
Recommendations – visual aspects Use a plain background with darker text that is easier to read Add icons Use bold/colored text to make topics stand out more
Design Process – Functionality Text Searches Browsing by category FAQs Access open problem tickets Genius profiles
Enabling Good HCI Consistency is important for HCI Having lots of consistent content is difficult with HTML XML to the rescue! The CPKB is written entirely in XML All HTML content is XHTML+CSS XML files are rendered using XSLT XML files are schema-valid
Benefits of XSLT Data can be separated from how it is displayed Only write the data in one place Join data from multiple documents using the document() function Loop through, sort, test, transform, or erase data elements at display time Pages can be set up to be data-centric, not display-centric