Heidelberg Electronic Document Delivery / HEDD WS 2004/05 Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg Teaching Team
Goals of the training course >How to search and find journals in the catalogue of the library >Request for copies of periodical articles >Receiving articles sent per file
About HEDD >Campus Electronic Delivery service for copies of printed periodicals held by the University Library >Required: Library Card (with Password) and E- Mail Account (for electronic delivery) –Registration: Loan services >Request is transmitted electronically >Delivery time: 24 hours to 72 hours at the very most >Free of charges
What can be ordered? >Articles out of printed journals held in the library >Exception: Articles out of electronic journals -> Access to E-Journals: heidelberg.de/Englisch/helios/epubl/ej/Welc ome.html
Searching for Journals in HEIDI >HEIDI: catalogue for Books and Journal in the library >URL: heidelberg.de/Englisch/helios/kataloge/ >Search for journal titles (not for the author or title of the article!)
Request Müller, Klaus: Eine slawisch-deutsche Entlehnungsparalle. In: Zeitschrift für Slawistik 19 (1974)1, p
HEIDI – Search box Click here when searching journal titles
Search results
Selecting a volume Select the volume needed Click here and type in your user number and password into the fields following
HEDD order form Obligatory fields Reservation? Delivery via Mail? Send
Confirmation and Account Confirmation: Account Orders cancellation
Delivery >Time: 24 hours up to 72 hours >Delivery –Via –Via WWW-Server –Access via account >Documents are deleted from the WWW server 6 days after delivery/sending – 2 days after retrieval (copyright reasons)
Retrieving documents from the server >Notification by (with link to the document) >Viewer –Download: heidelberg.de/helios/volltextserver/doku/viewer.html
Retrieving documents Viewing all or single pages Retrieving documents
Mailed Documents >Hieroglyphics received? >Program: UNDECODE –ftp-server: ftp://ftp.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/pub/docdel (uu.decode.exe)
How many...? >How many pages a day? Not more than 50 >Only articles, not issues