Research Ethics in Psychology
Some History APA Guidelines developed in 1973 Revised again in 1982 and 2002 Broad context of ethical concerns - research with humans - research with animals - scientific integrity - professional conduct - clinical relationships - student/teacher relationships
Consultation IRB – Institutional Review Board IACUC – Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Evaluation of risk-benefit ratio
Ethics with Humans Informed consent - dispensing with informed consent - deception - using minors in research Assessment of risk - minimal risk participants - vulnerable populations Protection from harm Freedom to withdraw Correction of harm Debriefing Confidentiality
Ethics with Animals Compliance with law Researcher competence with species Training of assistants Minimize discomfort Justify unavoidable discomfort – use only when necessary Perform surgery under appropriate anesthesia Euthanize humanely ANIMAL RIGHTS versus ANIMAL WELFARE
Scientific Integrity Faking Fudging Plagiarism - direct copying - close paraphrasing - claiming ideas as own - secondary sources Credit for work - order of authorship - duplicate presentation/publication
A Weird Thought Experiment….