Sept. 18, 2008SLUO 2008 Annual Meeting Science Opportunities with LSST David L. Burke SLAC/KIPAC
Sept. 18, 2008SLUO 2008 Annual Meeting Outline *Precursor R&D Studies –Systematics Limited Science –Existing Data –Simulation and Modelling *Observing Campaigns in Support of LSST Science –Photometric calibration studies *LSST Science Collaborations –LSST Science Book (Edition 2009)
Sept. 18, 2008SLUO 2008 Annual Meeting 20 minute exposure on 8 m Subaru telescope Point spread width 0.52 arcsec (FWHM) 1 arcmin (LSST FOV diameter 200 arcmin)
Sept. 18, 2008SLUO 2008 Annual Meeting Removal of Asymmetric PSF Analysis of Stars in 10% LSST FOV Rawde-trailedPSF corrected <shear> = 0.07 = 0.07 = arcmin (l = 1000) <shear> = 0.04 = 0.04 Single exposure in 0.65 arcsec seeing <shear> < < How does this extrapolate to full LSST FOV? How does this work in dithered multi-epoch survey? How to combine many background-limited images?
Sept. 18, 2008SLUO 2008 Annual Meeting A moment to reflect …
Sept. 18, 2008SLUO 2008 Annual Meeting It will be a good night …
Sept. 18, 2008SLUO 2008 Annual Meeting A New Technique for Measurement of Atmospheric Transmission for Surveys Observing with Tololo 0.9m and 1.5m Telescopes (5 runs 15 nights in 2007 – 2008) Fit with model SED and computed templates. Water Vapor O2O2 O3O3 Molecular (Rayleigh) Demonstrated measurement of atmospheric transmission with sub-% precision.
Sept. 18, 2008SLUO 2008 Annual Meeting Access to LSST Data and the LSST Science Collaborations *All raw data and derived data products will be publicly available as soon as they are generated. –Data Access Centers (a la′ ATLAS Tier 2 Data Center) *Data management to support a wide range of queries. –From a junior high school student looking for images of stars and galaxies, to a large professional science collaboration wanting routine access to the entire data volume. *The LSST Construction Project is not designed or intended to be the organization that delivers LSST science. *To secure LSST science, we have formed semi-autonomous LSST Science Collaborations.
Sept. 18, 2008SLUO 2008 Annual Meeting LSST Science Collaborations
Sept. 18, 2008SLUO 2008 Annual Meeting Roles and Responsibilities of LSST Science Collaborations *Organization and management – spokespersons, membership decisions, science coordinators, publication policies, speaker boards, etc... *Activities and deliverables of Science Collaborations. –Develop and document LSST science analyses. –Provide input to LSST final design and survey strategy. –Develop and participate in precursor studies. –Deliver first-year commissioning science targets. The present project plan is for “first light” in 2014, and survey and science commissioning in We expect this to lead to first publications. *LSST Science Book (2009 Edition)