Employee Wellness Assessment Survey Amy J. Chamberlain June 27, 2007
Project Overview Established to provide information on: Program attendance Program interest Receptivity of future programs Employee physical activity habits Employee barriers to attending programs
Project Overview Measure Differences Between: Gender Position Type Faculty, Administration, Support Staff, & Facilities Age Ranges: 22-35, 36-49, Reporting 60% or more of cases, and for interest & intent – a moderate level or higher.
Project Overview Results to provide guidance on: Program maintenance What programs “work”, what programs do not Program changes What changes can be made to increase attendance or usage of programs? Needs of different employee groups Do some programs apply to one group and not another? Do some groups have more barriers to attending programs than others? How to better attract certain groups to certain programs
Project Overview Structure of results – differences/similarities between gender, position type, and age: Misc. - Smoking habits Physical activity habits Future programs Intent to attend Current/past programs Attendance Overall interest Prevalence of Barrier Type by group Prevalence of Barrier Type by program
Miscellaneous Smoking Habits Intent to participate in smoking cessation program according to smoking frequency
Smoking Cessation Program
Physical Activity Habits Employees asked: How many days per week do you participate in exercise? What is the duration of your typical exercise experience? What is your average level of exertion during a typical exercise experience?
Physical Activity Habits Graph types: Days per week - % exercising 3 days or more per week Exercise Duration - % exercising 30 minutes or more per experience Exercise Exertion – average physical exertion level of typical exercise experience 0 = No Exertion, 5 = Moderate Exertion, 10 = Extreme Exertion
Gender – Days Exercise & Exercise Duration
Gender – Average level of physical exertion
Position Type – Days Exercise & Exercise Duration
Position Type – Average level of physical exertion
Age – Days Exercise & Exercise Duration
Age – Average level of physical exertion
Future Programs Employees Asked: Indicate level of intent to participate or use future wellness programs Setting Wellness Goals Intellectual – Lunch & Learn Social – Celebrate holidays around the world Emotional – Laughter is medicine Physical – Personal fitness training Use of natural remedies Health Screenings Financial Incentives for Participating in Wellness Programs Financial Planning Seminar Smoking Cessation Programs
Future Programs Graph Type: Average level of intent to participate in wellness programs
Gender – level of intent * *
Position Type – Level of Intent
Age – Level of Intent
Current/Past Programs Employees Asked: Did you attend/use the program? Would you be interested in participating in the future? What barriers did you have to participating? Program List: Lunch & Learn, Health Fair, Shape Up PA, Walking Challenge 2006, Health Insurance Workshop, Weight Watchers at Work, Flex Spending Workshop, Healthy Living Seminar, Benefits Updates, Carewise – 24 hr Nurse Call Line, Kennedy Sports Center, Obtaining an Annual Physical, Obtaining Screening Labwork, Spiritual Wellness – Labyrinth, Spiritual Wellness – “Spiritualitea” Discussions, Campusfest, Mountain Day
Current/Past Programs: Graph Types: Attendance - % attended/used current/past programs Interest – average level of interest to continue using current/past programs Barriers - % having a certain barrier Conflicts with work demands, transportation barriers, lack of interest, financial cost, conflicts with social activities, conflicts with family/home activities, health risks if engaged in program, lack of motivation, lack of managerial support, did not know how to use program, did not know program existed, lack of ‘fit’ to position on campus, NO barriers Barriers - % having barriers to a certain program
Gender - Attendance
Position Type - Attendance
Age - Attendance
Gender - Interest
Position Type - Interest
Age - Interest
Gender – Barrier Type
Position Type – Barrier Type
Age – Barrier Type
Barrier Type - Program Overall, no one conflict was reported 60% for more for any one program. Work conflicts, lack of interest, and lack of motivation were occasionally reported between 40-50% of respondents.
Conclusions – patterns in the data. Physical Activity Habits Over 60% of respondents in all groups reported exercising 3 or more days per week and 30 minutes or more per exercise experience. On average, respondents in all groups reported at least a moderate perceived level of exertion. Intent to participate in Future Programs Programs reported in all groups: Personal fitness training, health screenings, financial incentives for participation, financial planning seminar.
Conclusions – patterns in the data. Attendance: Most popular programs: Benefits updates, Kennedy Center, Campusfest, Mountainday. Only Mountainday had over 60% in attendance by facilities/services. Interest: Most popular programs: Benefits Updates, Kennedy Center, Screening Labwork, Labyrinth, Campusfest, Mountainday
Conclusions – patterns in the data. Barriers Overall, conflicts with work and lack of interest seem to be a problem with many respondents. Almost 60% report conflicts with work to be a barrier, and almost 50% report lack of interest. These trends are similar across programs.