1 Weekly Progress (MAGGIE) Adnan Iqbal Superviser Dr. Waqar Mahmood
2 Tasks completed Discover a scheme that can be used to get relationship between network wide anomalies and single route anomalies Implement the scheme Perform Regularization of Data Apply the scheme to suitable routes Analyze Results Study of MIT Lincoln Lab intrusion detection data Study of new data set provided by SLAC Reading Time Analysis (SLAC data) Analysis of MIT Lincoln Lab intrusion detection data Trimming (removal of outliers)
3 Trimming Improvement in the results presented last time Output format has been changed Date and Time are included 4/3/20050: /3/20050: /3/20050: /3/20050:
4 Normalization During multivariate data analysis it is possible that variables have different ranges which might differ significantly and introduce a bias in the analysis. For example Var 1 : 0-1 Var 2: Var 3: Normalization is the process of converting data into smaller ranges such that behavior of data does not change
5 Normalization Different Methods Min-Max Normalization Z- Score Normalization Decimal Scaling Many Others
6 Min-Max Normalization
7 Z-Score Normalization
8 Future Task Regularization Code