Kimberley Wright Anne Cano- Shearer Anna Gardener Katie Phillips Ingrid Gregory Matthew Cook Juliet Fairclough Hanna Ekstrom
Inquiry-based approach to learning – incorporating all curriculum areas (POI) Subjects also taught stand alone. Differentiation and support Learner profile – 10 attributes ICT used when it is appropriate – IWB, cameras, computer, ICT suite Buzz
Children must not arrive at school before 8 a.m. Monday: Mandarin, PE (both classes), Library (2P only) Tuesday: Mandarin. Wednesday: Mandarin PE (2G only) Thursday – PE (2P only) Friday: Assembly Library (2G only) Any change to the end of day routine must be recorded in your child’s diary. No hat, no play!
15 minutes to eat their snack 20 minutes to eat their lunch in the classroom Healthy food choices are encouraged Please send in food that your child likes to eat NUT FREE ZONE No cans, glass bottles or fizzy drinks in school. Children need adequate fluids.
Enjoying Homework We will be ing a newsletter each week to let you know what we will be covering in class the following week. This will include ideas for activities that you can do at home. Your child will be able to access additional interactive activities on The Buzz Relaxed, fun and something your child actually looks forward to Simple books offer success, confidence and sheer enjoyment Better to do one book properly, developing vocabulary and comprehension than rush through all books- it is not a race * HFW need to be read and spelt. Please sign reading record so your child can change their books
Completed sections of reports can be accessed throughout the year (eg UoI Comments) Reports can be downloaded as a PDF document and printed off by parents at the end of the year The school will not be sending home a hard copy of the report this year Parent/Teacher Consultations (Nov) - booking appointments will be online through Gateway Usernames and login Passwords will be sent to new families (including Y1) by mail Current families who have a child joining Y1 this year should login and accept the child to their account
Diaries – Change of routine, bus info. (walkers) - Sickness, appointments Mrs. Phillips: Miss. Gardener: Class parent – Cakes sales, PTA, weather, contact details for communication. Telephone- Calls can’t be taken during the school day but calls will be returned as soon as possible.
Related to unit of Inquiry This term: Ocean Park Habitats Toy Museum Toys
We value the teacher/parent relationship. You can be involved in your child’s school life in the following ways: Class helper – please see sign up sheet Educational visits (parents only!) Occasional help i.e. providing props, bringing in food for special events and backing books Sending in useable school materials when requested i.e. shoe boxes for Term 1 communication Checking diaries and letters every day for class/school information Volunteer in our Classroom!
for taking the time to attend this evening. We look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!