Textures and flavour models G.G.Ross, Oxford, 21st June 2004 Family? Symmetries Coherent picture of quark and lepton masses and mixing?
DATA : ? 1 GeV Masses Mixing eV Bi-Tri Maximal Mixing … Non Abelian Structure?
DATA : ? 1 GeV Masses Mixing Simple(?) flavour Group restricting Yukawa couplings
Quark Textures Hierarchical :
Quark Textures Hierarchical :
Symmetric fit Asymmetric fit Roberts Romanino GGR Velasco Sevilla Is one favoured?
Vives, GGR Cannot align Yukawa and A terms With similar structure for charged leptons Neutrino mixing not related to large RH mixing Favours near symmetric structure SUSY
Fritzsch, Weinberg Roberts, Romanino, GGR,Velasco CP SM phase / GATTO, SARTORI, TONIN symmetric Texture zero
Georgi Jarlskog Extension to charged leptons – GUT?
Possible with “ see-saw ” Extension to neutrinos??? eV SRHD KingKing,GGR Vives, Velasco-Sevilla, GGR
Neutrino texture zero ? Ibarra, GGR 2β decay, leptogenesis Casas, Ibarra } CHOOZ
2 Texture zeros – 2RHN With charged lepton contribution
King, GGR Vives, Velasco-Sevilla, GGR { Quark lepton symmetry?
Bi- Tri- maximal mixing Barbieri,Hall,Kane, GGR King, GGR de Medeiros Varzielas, GGR
Summary Due to the see-saw mechanism, the quark, charged lepton and neutrino masses and mixing angles can be consistent with a similar structure for their Dirac mass matrices. Hints at an underlying (spontaneously broken) family symmetry? SO(10)XSU(3)? gives a new solution to the SUSY FCNC problem Extraction of Yukawa couplings crucial to understanding fermion structure Bounded off diagonal terms (anti)symmetric, hermitian SUSY data Texture and texture zero hints at underlying structure Family symmetry ? GUT symmetry? A spontaneously broken family symmetry offers a simple solution to the SUSY CP problem