May 21, Year End Obligations Year End Training May 21, 2007
D. Brothwell, CPSLO2 Summary Overview of Ledgers Data Review of Actuals & Encumbrances Obligation Accruals –Business Rules –Automated Process – GL-15 –Manual Process Actual/Encumbrance Journals
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO3 Summary Review Helpful Queries & Allocations –Abnormal Balances –Negative Expenditures –Closing Revolving Fund –Rolling Forward Budget
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO4 CSU Data Structure
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO5 Obligations Accruals Business Rules for year end required reporting –State–GL Account 3010 – Accounts Payable for ALL funds will include Posted Vouchers, Obligations AND Encumbrances –FIRMS record type 10 for object code will include Posted Vouchers and Obligations…NOT Encumbrances –FIRMS record type 15 for object code will be Year to date encumbrances (Accounting Period 1-12) –FIRMS record type 16 for object code will be Project to date encumbrances (Accounting Period 0)
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO6 Accounts Payable to the State includes Encumbrances for Governmental Funds
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO7 Year end Obligations Goods and services received but not yet invoiced (no voucher posted) must still be “obligated” For activity received within the Finance 8.4 application and automated process will create the journals to liquidate the encumbrance portion and record the AP Accrual Manual journals will need to be done for items that cannot be identified by the automated process –Utilities –Retention –etc
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO8 CSUGL015 – Year End Obligations Automated process within PeopleSoft –Can be run in report mode only until ready to actually process journals –Journals are created for Items received on Purchase Orders not yet Invoiced Liquidates Encumbrance as of June 30 –Creates a July 1 Encumbrance Journal to re-establish encumbrance Creates actuals journal as of June 30 –Reverses July 1
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO9 CSUGL15 CSU Year End Obligations – Run Control
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO10 CSUGL015 – Year End Obligations – Output (Report)
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO11 CSUGL15 Overview
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO12 CSUGL15 Configuration Accounting Entry Definitions –Define the new records CSU_YEC_ACT_LN CSU_YEC_ENC_LN Journal Template –YECACTOBL –YECENCOBL Journal Source –OBL Journal Mask –YEOBL –YAOBL
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO13 Manual Obligations of Encumbered Amounts Liquidate obligation portion of encumbrance –Effective June 30, 2007 Encumbrance Journal to Ledger KK_DTL_ENC Record the amount as an accounts payable accrual – obligation –Effective June 30, 2007 Actuals Journal to Ledger ACTUALS Re-encumber the obligation –Effective July 1, 2007 Encumbrance Journal to Ledger KK_DTL_ENC Reverse the Accounts Payable Accrual –Effective July 1, 2007 Actuals Journal to Ledger Actuals
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO14 Manual Obligations of Encumbered Amounts Manual Obligation of Encumbered Amounts require THREE journals –Journals to the actuals ledger can be set up as reversing journals This journal will record the Accounts Payable accrual AND reverse it Journals to the Actuals Ledger can be set up as reversing Journals.
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO15 Manual Obligations of Encumbered Amounts Encumbrance Journals are required to liquidate the encumbrance June 30 and to re-encumber it July 1 Encumbrance Journals are processed with the Ledger Group ACTUALS so that they will be edited by Combo Edits and controlled by open and closed periods
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO16 Manual Obligations of Encumbered Amounts Journals to Liquidate the encumbrance can NOT be set up as reversing. –However, the software will let you do it.
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO17 Manual Obligations of Encumbered Amounts Summary –Three journals are required 1 reversing journals for the accounts payable accrual (June 30, 2007) and the reversing accrual (July 1, 2007) 2 encumbrance journals –One dated June 30 to liquidate the obligation portion of the encumbrance –One dated July 1 to re-encumber the obligation portion of the encumbrance For the Encumbrance journal dated July 1, use the copy journal with reversing sign functionality
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO18 Reimbursed Activity Another “Encumbrance” Journal –In order to zero out Reimbursed Activity at year end, for amounts related to encumbrances, an encumbrance journal needs to be processed eliminating all encumbrance amounts from Reimbursed Activity
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO19 Query to Identify Reimbursed Activity Encumbrances
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO20 FIELDS
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO21 Criteria
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO22 Having Criteria
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO23 Output Download to excel to prepare encumbrance journals ( ) and reversing journal ( )
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO24 Don’t forget There is no such thing as a REVERSING ENCUMBRANCE journal –You need to do two – One dated June 30 and one dated July 1 Use the Commitment Control hyperlink on the journal to do encumbrance journals to the ACTUALS ledger –Do NOT do journals to the KK_DTL_ENC ledger The offset to encumbrances MUST BE accounts payable – FIRMS Object Code –Can set up a unique campus value
May 21, 2007D. Brothwell, CPSLO25 CSU Data Structure