25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon THE USE OF NWP PRODUCTS AT THE PORTUGUESE WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE Teresa Abrantes Instituto de Meteorologia - Portugal
Observation Network - IM 93 automatic stations ( ) - 78 mainland - 9 Azores - 6 Madeira 3 radiossonde stations receiver and processing WS-satellites 1 radar (in a near future 2 more) lightning detection network 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon
The Forecasting Centres Weather Watch, Forecasting and Information Centre - VPI Faro Porto Regional Centre Aeronautical Centre (airport) -Azores- Madeira -Lisbon- AeronauticGeneral and Maritime 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon Azores
General Forecasts Nowcasting Nowcasting Very short range forecasts (12 h) Very short range forecasts (12 h) Short range forecasts (D, D1-D3) Short range forecasts (D, D1-D3) - Regional forecasts (11 regions) Medium range forecasts (D4-D6) Medium range forecasts (D4-D6) Outlook D7-D9 Outlook D7-D9 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon
Sea State Forecasts R High seas R Shallow waters R Onshore waters 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon
Delivery of the products ÜAutofax /manual fax ÜTelex (maritime network) ÜDedicated links (TV, Air Force Meteo, Southland-Nato) Ü attached files ÜInternet (public and protected Web pages) ÜTeleTempo (value added telephone) ÜFaxTempo (value added fax) 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon
Civil Protection and Fireman Service Videoconference Regional Centre in Azores Aeronautical Centre Briefings 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon
NWP Products 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon ECMWF MetOffice Arpège ALADIN GLOBAL MODELS LAM Charts processed by MAGICS (routine package) Fields visualised with METVIEW (ECMWF) VISMET (IM) ARCO IRIS (IM) GÉNIO (IM-ALADIN)
NWP Products - Sea 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon MAR3G Model (IM) Input: ECMWF 10m wind MAR3G (Ray model) High seas Parametric description of sea state Shallow waters ECMWF WAM output Significant height Mean direction Mean period
MSLP+wind+T2m MSLP+Wet bulb potential temperature 850 hPa MSLP+relative humidity 700 hPa Vertical motion+relative humidity 700hPa ECMWFECMWF 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon
ECMWF - EPS products Plumes Stamp maps Probability charts EPSgrams Other products available on 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon
Precipitation 850 hPa temperature anomaly Wind >10 m/s>15 m/s > - 8° > 5 mm> 10 mm> 20 mm > + 8°> - 4°> + 4° > 1 mm Forecast probabilities
Meteogram - Lisboa 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon
Forecasted Tephigram CAPE CAPE CIN CIN LI LI TPW TPW 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon Post-processing parameters
METVIEW processing DIAGNOSIS: Z 500 hPa + wind VT H+24 + IR image at 12 UTC 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon Z 300 hPa + WV at 12 UTC
LAM - ALADIN T2m 950 hPa RH 10m wind Forecasts up to H , 950, 925, 900, 850, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100 hPa (15 levels) 1h steps Surface and altitude parameters 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon Runs: 00 and 12 UTC Area: 44.8N, 12.2W, 35.1N, 1.7W Hor. Res: 12.7 km
LAM - ALADIN 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon Use of ALADIN at the Weather Forecasting Centre Short range forecast (D, D+1, D+2) General and regional forecasts Special forecasts FOREST FIRES special regional forecasts wind field tendency of the FWI
Fire Weather Index (FWI) tendency ALADIN – Derivated Products 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon Values available in each point of a regular grid in latitude and longitude Tend 24 = FWI (H+24) – FWI (H+00) FWI tendency between D and D+1 Tend 48 = FWI (H+48) – FWI (H+24) FWI tendency between D+1 e D+2 The graphic presentation of these values is done automatically, in order to obtain two charts, with those tendencies (DIF 24 e DIF 48 ) of the fire weather index FWI, daily. FWI - Tend 24 FWI - Tend 48
Future at IM: 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon LAM - ALADIN Post-processing parameters MAR3G based on the wind field - ALADIN Forecasted tephigram Short-range EPS ? Future ??
WGCEF Meeting - 5Oct Lisbon RUN: 30Set UTC / H+12 01Out UTC ALADINECMWF What is the decision of the forecaster ?
WGCEF Meeting - 5Oct Lisbon RUN: 30Set UTC / H+48 02Out UTC ALADIN ECMWF What is the decision of the forecaster ?
Thank you for your attention 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct Lisbon