Pantry Pests & Perceived Threats - Bees, Wasps & Others David J. Shetlar, Ph.D. The “BugDoc” The Ohio State University, OARDC & OSU Extension Columbus, OH © July, 2002, D.J. Shetlar, all rights reserved
Beetles (& weevils) Moths Mites Stored Products Pests (=Pantry Pests)
Beetle Pantry Pests (by food type) Internal FeedersWeevils Grain borer External FeedersCigarette & Drugstore beetles ScavengersGrain & flour beetles Secondary Feeders (old/moldy foods) Mealworms Spider beetles
Bean weevils Cigarette beetles Sawtooth Grain beetles
Indian meal moth (dried fruits, processed grains, bird seed, dry pet food) Mediterranean flour moth (processed grains) Almond Moth (processed grains) Angoumois grain moth (whole grains - often in farm granaries) Moth Pantry Pests
Indian Meal moth
Beetle, Moth & Mite Pantry Pest Management Monitor (visual inspection, pheromone traps) Sanitation (destroy infested materials) Exclusion (store foods in tightly sealed containers, in freezer if possible) Freeze or heat infested products (150°F for 20 minutes or 0°F for four days) Fumigate (large food stores only!)
Fiber, Skin & Paper Pests Carpet Beetles (black carpet beetle, furniture carpet beetle, carpet beetle) Clothes Moths (webbing clothes moth, casemaking clothes moth, carpet moth) Silverfish & Firebrat (silverfish, firebrat, fourlined silverfish)
Common carpet beetle Black carpet beetle
Webbing clothes moth
Silverfish Fourlined silverfish
Fiber, Skin & Paper Pest Management Monitor (visual inspection, identify species, ONLY natural fibers at risk) Exclusion (store woolens & furs in tightly sealed containers, in freezer if possible) Repell (“moth crystals” = paradichloro- benzene not recommended) Freeze or heat infested products (150°F for 20 minutes or 0°F for four days; may damage furs) Fumigate (professionals only!)
Nuisance & Filth Flies House Fly Blow Flies Flesh Flies Fruit Flies Moth Flies (drain fly) Cluster Fly Phorid Flies
House flyStable fly Fruit fly Cluster fly
Nuisance & Filth Fly Pest Management Monitor (identify species involved) Sanitation (destroy attractants – food & breeding materials; remove pet feces) Exclusion (store foods in tightly sealed containers; seal trash & garbage) Exclusion (seal buildings – window screens, door sweeps) Traps (sticky traps, light traps) Pesticides (surface residuals, aerosols – last resort! Use on exterior in severe cases.)
Occasional Invaders Spiders Earwigs Millipedes, centipedes, sowbugs Bugs (pine leaffooted, boxelder) Asian multicolored lady beetle Clover mite
Brown recluse spider (=fiddleback) Black Widow spider
Shore earwig European earwig with eggs
Millipede (Diplopoda) Centipede (Chilopoda) Sowbug/pillbug (Isopoda)
Occasional Invader Management Monitor (identify species involved, find outside sources) Modify Landscape (reduce foundation plantings, organic mulches, aphid & scale prone plants) Exclusion (caulk & seal doors & windows; fix screens & door sweeps) Mechanical Destruction! Pesticides (“scheduled” parameter & baseboard sprays not recommended!)
Stinging Insects Social Wasps & Hornets (yellowjackets, baldfaced hornet, Polistes, etc.) Solitary Wasps & Bees (carpenter bee, cicada killer, muddaubers, etc.) Honey Bees & Bumble Bees (“killer bees” not expected in Ohio!) Ants (Fire ants not expected in Ohio!)
Baldfaced Hornet
Polistes Wasp = Umbrella Wasp
Carpenter Bee
Cicada Killer
Digger Wasp (feeds on horse flies!) Ground Wasps (feed on caterpillars!) Muddauber nest (feed on spiders!
Honey bee swarming Bumble bee
Stinging Insect Management Monitor (identify species involved; find nesting site) Modify Landscape (reduce ground covers, thick mulch layers, maintain turf) Exclusion (caulk & seal access to all voids; fix screens; tightly seal garbage & dumpsters) Mechanical Removal (professionals only!) Pesticides (“Wasp & Hornet” sprays – prefer professional use!) Education (notify residents of offensive materials – musk oils & strong perfumes/deodorants, body odor, patterned clothing)
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